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Benefits of Year-Round Pest Control in South Portland

south portland homeowner with pest control technician

Prevention of pests is important everywhere in the world, but if you live in South Portland, Maine, the changing seasons mean that pest pressures will be ever changing as well; but there is no need to worry. Big Blue Bug Solutions has a program for you that will meet your needs throughout the year.

A year-round pest protection plan from a trusted pest control company can help you to be proactive by preventing pests from entering your home and keeping them at bay for good. Otherwise, you will be left to react to a pest infestation after the pests have already entered your home! Waiting to call a pest control company could lead to stress, significant property damage, and serious illness to the people and pets living in your home. You don’t want to risk any of those problems because waiting could be more costly in the end.

Pests are very good at staying out of sight, for the most part; and if you are finding signs of a pest presence around your home and property, there are probably plenty more where they came from. Many pest species are social and live in large colonies, and all pests multiply quickly which will rapidly exacerbate the problem. An infestation, regardless of size, isn’t something you want to deal with after-the-fact. You can protect your family, your home, and your property with a preventative pest control program.

For preventative pest control you can rely on, turn to the team here at Big Blue Bug Solutions that thousands have trusted for over 8 decades! That is more than 80 years of hands-on experience in local pest pressures, giving Big Blue Bug Solutions unsurpassed experience in protecting homes effectively and efficiently throughout the New England area.

At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we have a Home Owner’s Policy that we call H.O.P. for short that covers many of the common pests in the South Portland, Maine, area like earwigs, centipedes, cockroaches, moths, fleas, ticks, silverfish, mice, spiders, and more. With this residential program, the professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions begin by visiting your home for an initial inspection and program set up. Then our pest prevention experts will return to your home three times a year for maintenance; but, if for some reason there is an issue between visits, we will return at no additional charge to you. Not only that, but Big Blue Bug Solutions respects you and your home, so our technicians wear protective booties over their shoes when they enter your home and will not leave messes behind as we work to make sure your home is pest-free!

To learn more about our industry-leading pest prevention options, give us a call. We have the safe, effective solutions for your South Portland pest problems.
