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Mosquito & Tick Control Now?

tick on grass

There may still be a nip in the air, but now is the perfect time to start thinking about mosquito and tick control. We had a pretty mild winter this year. That means more ticks and mosquitoes survived. It also means we're going to start into the busy (or buzzy) season for these pests real soon. Here's what you need to know.

Four Prevention Tips For Mosquitoes And Ticks

  • We all know that mosquito repellent is the best way to avoid getting bitten, but we also know that this method isn't perfect. Those little biters can still get you even if you've bathed yourself in repellent. That isn't to say that you shouldn't put repellent on, but it is important to do more than apply repellent. We suggest avoiding areas that are humid or moist, like wetlands. And stay inside during peak mosquito times, like in the morning and the evening. Be aware that mosquitoes are drawn to sweat, high skin temperature, and CO2 emissions. One published study even connected drinking beer to an increase in mosquito bites. So, if you're planning on going to a backyard party where alcohol is being served, bear this in mind.
  • There are many species of ticks, and all tick species present different threats when it comes to diseases. The worst tick-related disease is Lyme disease. This illness is spread by deer ticks, also called black-legged ticks. These ticks are very small, and are able to use tiny animals as hosts. If you have birds in your yard or rodents in your home, they could expose you, your family, and your pets to tick-borne illnesses.
  • When it comes to mosquito viruses, all mosquitoes aren't created equal. The two mosquito species most responsible for the spread of Zika, West Nile, chikungunya, and other viruses, are the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. This is an important fact to understand when protecting yourself from mosquito bites. You may be tempted to think that mosquito abatement services won't protect you because mosquitoes will just come into your yard from other places. This is only partly true. The Aedes mosquitoes only have a limited flight range of about 300 feet. So, if one of these mosquitoes is biting you in your yard, it probably didn't travel very far to do it.
  • It takes 24-48 hours for an infected tick to transfer Lyme disease through a bite. If the tick is found and removed early, this disease can be prevented. Be sure to always check yourself when you come in from being outside. And check your pets regularly. Look closely; deer ticks are very small.

Consider adding professional pest control to your prevention plan. If you live in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, or Connecticut, you may be in our service area. Reach out to us and find out. Pest reduction is an essential part of effective pest-borne illness management.
