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What do mosquitoes look like?

Mosquitoes have a narrow body, very long thin legs, and one pair of transparent wings.  They are gray in color; and their bodies are covered in scales that are silver, green, or iridescent blue.  Adults grow to between ¼ and 3/8th of an inch in length.  Their most distinctive feature is their long proboscis (nose) that both females and males use for feeding on the nectar of plants and that the females use to suck blood from their hosts.

Mosquito larvae have a large head and thorax; their body is worm-like in appearance.  Mosquito larvae live and develop in areas of standing water, and they move throughout the water in a unique wiggly manner.

What attracts mosquitoes?

One of the main things that attract mosquitoes to properties is standing water; this is because female mosquitoes lay their eggs on the surface of standing water.  Wading pools, bird baths, pet bowls, trash piles, tires, wheel barrows, clogged drains, and low lying areas can all collect water and draw in mosquitoes to a property.  Mosquitoes also feed on the nectar of flowers so a property with a lot of plants, flowers, and other landscaping may also attract mosquitoes.

People and what they are wearing can attract mosquitoes.  They are drawn to dark colored clothing and floral scented perfume or cologne.  Mosquitoes are attracted to people who are sweating and/or have increased body heat.  Carbon dioxide attracts mosquitoes, and people with higher metabolic rates and pregnant women produce more carbon dioxide than others.  An interesting fact is that mosquitoes are more attracted to people who have consumed alcohol recently.

Why do mosquitoes bite? 

Female mosquitoes bite in order to extract blood from their victims.  They require a blood meal in order to get the necessary proteins that they need to create their eggs.  Female mosquitoes will feed on any vertebrate animal, but usually prefer to feed on warm-blooded species.

Are mosquito bites dangerous?

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Mosquito prevention tips from Big Blue Bug Solutions

mosquito sucking blood

While controlling mosquitoes may seem like an impossible task, there are several steps you can take around your property to help control their numbers in addition to acquiring professional control solutions.

Mosquito prevention tips include:

  • Reduce areas of standing water on your property.  Clean out gutters, fill in low lying areas, make sure that garbage is removed on a weekly basis, shake out water that collects on tarps, and turn items like wheel barrows and kiddy pools upside down when not in use.
  • Reduce the amount of flowering plants and other landscaping that are located on your property, especially close to the exterior of your home.
  • Keep your lawn trimmed short; mosquitoes like to hide during the day in tall grass.
  • Keep any drains or culverts that are located on your property free from debris.
  • Make sure that screens in doors or windows are completely intact to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside.  Don’t leave windows or doors open that do not have screens in them.

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    "They have exceeded expectations. Highly recommend."
    Alley Bergemann, called before arriving on the day of the appointment, showed up on time, and took care of re-baiting the bait traps as needed. She is patient, polite and answered a few questions I had, all with a pleasant demeanor.
    - Jonathan P.
    "Always been amazed by the competence and professionalism of this company."

    Their man, Elijah was a gentleman and very knowledgeable professional. He took the time to carefully listen to me when I explained where the ant infestation was found. He explained clearly what he was going to do to address the issue.

    - Pete M.
    "GREAT company!"
    The Big Blue Bug Solutions is a GREAT company with very helpful, courteous technicians. This a company that actually helps you with your problems and not try to sell you something you don't need. I am very pleased, and NO, I have no relatives that work at
    - Robert M.
    "Knowledgeable, accurate and incredibly pleasant."
    I just cannot believe the most amazing experience customer service experience I had with Laura who could not have been more knowledgeable, accurate and incredibly pleasant. It is very rare I leave a review but this encounter deserved one!
    - Kimberly H.
    "Always very polite and accommodating."
    We’ve been using Big Blue Bug for pest control for many years and have been very satisfied! Vince visited today for our regular check in and he is an excellent technician. Thanks, BBB!
    - Stacey C.
    "Knowledgeable, respectful, courteous!"

    I highly recommend Big Blue Bug Solutions - first - for their customer service. They are professional and efficient and always try to fit me in at a time that is convenient for me. Second, RODNEY IS THE BEST TECHNICIAN!!!!

    - Meredith L.
    "Our first service was a great experience!"
    Peter called to let us know he was on his way and arrived as scheduled. He was very knowledgeable and setup a comprehensive array of traps in each target area to begin capturing the pests and put an end to our troubles.
    - Mike H.
    "Personable, friendly, and knowledgeable!"
    Shoutout to our tech, Jeremy Cote, who has been servicing our bakery in Richmond and has helped us maintain a pest free environment. He is personable, friendly, and knowledgeable. We highly recommend big blue bug to friends, family, and customers!
    - Becky M.