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Spring Brings A Surge Of Wildlife To Warwick Properties

grey squirrel in the grass

Have you noticed that we have wildlife in Warwick? The wildlife we notice most are diurnal animals. These are animals that are active during the day, like squirrels, chipmunks, and birds. But there is a busy nightlife going on in Warwick that you should be aware of. Many animals are nocturnal. They come out while you're sleeping, so you may not be aware of the surge in wildlife activity as we head into spring because much of their activity is happening in the dark. But you're sure to notice the problems these night dwellers cause. You'll wake up to trash all over your lawn, damaged landscaping, and holes dug around structures. You may even find that they've gotten into your home. As wildlife increases, it is important that you know what they're looking for on your property. Whether they are animals that enjoy the day or animals that enjoy the nightlife, you don't need them in your yard.


We probably don't need to tell you that food is a strong motivator for wild animals. But what you may not know are all the many things animals consider to be food. While many animals will eat the food that we eat, some have a wider dietary selection. Here are some obvious, and not so obvious, things wildlife will eat:

  • Berries, fruit, and vegetables
  • Nuts and plant seeds
  • Pollen
  • Flowers
  • Shoots
  • Bark
  • Sap
  • Fungus
  • Bulbs
  • Organic matter in your trash
  • Bird seed (some will climb up to get at bird feeders)
  • Bugs

It is impossible to keep animals from finding food in your yard, unless you live on a barren, concrete slab. But there are ways to prevent them from getting to food sources or to deter them from coming into your yard.

Protect Food

  • Put fences around berry bushes, fruit trees, and gardens.
  • Put metal flashing at the base of trees.
  • Make sure trash is in sealed receptacles that they can't be knocked over.
  • Clean up after cookouts.
  • Put bird feeders away from the exterior of your home.
  • Take measures to reduce conditions that promote bug activity, such as the reduction of moisture and removal of spider webs.

Deter Wildlife

  • Keep your lawn trimmed to resist them. Many animals like tall grass.
  • Remove hiding places that small animals will use as they explore your yard.
  • Remove unnecessary vegetation and weeds.


All animals need to drink water. If you have standing water in your yard, it is like giving those animals a water cooler to enjoy. Here are some tips for addressing standing water:

  • Clean and fix gutters.
  • Loosen compacted soil.
  • Remove objects that can capture rainwater.
  • Trim tree branches to allow the sun to dry saturated soil.


It is an animal-eat-animal world out there. If an animal finds a safe place to hide, it will take advantage of it. They can hide under a shed or outbuilding. They can hide under a deck, patio, porch, or stairs. They can also hide inside your home.

  • Use fencing to keep animals out of voids underneath structures.
  • Inspect your exterior for entry points and seal them.
  • In some cases, you may need to use metal flashing to prevent rodents from chewing through.

Problems Wildlife Cause

There are many reasons to not have animals in your yard. The fact that they spread trash around your yard and damage your plants are actually the least of your worries. Some animals can bite and spread dangerous diseases such as rabies. Some are destructive and able to damage your home and your belongings. All are a vector for ectoparasites such as ticks, fleas, and mites.

Wildlife Solutions

If you have trouble with wildlife this spring, remember that Big Blue Bug Solutions has a top-notch wildlife management department with experienced and trained trappers. Reach out to us anytime for immediate assistance. We will get the results you're looking for.