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Stay Warm And Insect Free With Home Insulation

attic in providence with pest control insulation installed

As the days continue to cool down and with the bugs headed inside it is clear that winter is not far off.  In anticipation (or dread) of the colder weather coming, homeowners in Providence, Barrington and throughout Rhode Island and New England are likely accumulating firewood, and hopefully implementing a few pest prevention techniques to keep overwintering insects outs. Unfortunately winterization may not be as successful if your home is not properly insulated. In fact many homes in our region are poorly insulated and the result is higher costs in heating.  The good news is that this can be prevented! At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we install home insulation that will result in energy savings! As an added bonus, the type of insulation we offer provides protection from pests. 

T•A•P Pest Control Insulation is derived from recycled paper and is infused with borates to not only offer an environmentally friendly barrier to the outside cold but also the added benefit of controlling pests. This particular type of insulation helps to get rid of cockroaches, ants, termites and silverfish. These are all common household pests and some, especially cockroaches, carpenter ants and termites are capable of causing serious problems when they are able to infest your home.

How does T•A•P Pest Control Insulation work? The product is blown into attics on top of the existing insulation. Or if you have a new home being built, the insulation can be installed in the attics and walls of the new home. Once installed, the insulation will hold in the heat during the winter and even prevent the  A/C from cooling the outside in the summer.  It is the borates that are infused into the insulation that will help to control insects. Borates, when certified by the EPA, have been scientifically tested to help control many common household pests.

Keep in mind that for pest problems such as mice, rats and wildlife, the insulation will not work to get rid of the infestation. In the case of a rodent or squirrel infestation, make sure to contact the RI pest control pros so that you can safely and effectively get rid of the threat of such pests in your home.

For residents in Providence, RI as well as Shrewsbury, MA, and elsewhere in our New England service area, contact Big Blue Bug Solutions for more information on the installation of T•A•P Pest Control Insulation as well as home pest control services.