How Can You Tell If Your Hartford Home Has A Carpenter Bee Problem?
They're big. They're aggressive. They bore holes in the wood of Hartford homes. They're called carpenter bees, and today we're talking about how you can tell if your home is being damaged by these wood-destroying pests. Here's what you need to know.
What A Carpenter Bee Looks Like
There are only two big, fat bees that come into Hartford yards. One is the bumblebee. The other is the carpenter bee. Both can have yellow and black hairs that make them look like they have fur. Both lumber through the air hopping from flower to flower. But carpenter bees have two distinct characteristics that make them obviously different from bumblebees.
- A carpenter bee doesn't have hair on its abdomen. It is entirely black and visually hairless. You may also notice that it has a shine. The abdomen of a carpenter bee is half its body length. So you're likely to notice this visual characteristic from a distance.
- A carpenter bee hangs out in some places that bumblebees don't. Since carpenter bees tunnel into wood, they can be found buzzing around underneath decks, patios, porches and stairs. You may see them near wooden sheds and wood fences. You may also find them exploring the eaves of your home.
Bumblebees will be focused on areas that have flowers or flowering plants. They have no interest in wood.
Seeing carpenter bees buzzing around the wood on your property is a clear sign that you have an infestation. Take note of where you're seeing them because it can give you insight into whether or not they've found an entry point into your home and are tunneling into the wood inside your walls. If you have lots of carpenter bees infesting your property, you're probably going to notice them, even if you don't know they're carpenter bees. Male carpenter bees can be very aggressive. Fortunately, the male bees can't sting you.
If carpenter bees are destroying your property, you might be able to see the entrances to the tunnels they're making. These holes will be perfectly circular, and they are most likely to be found on the bottom of wood. Carpenter bees have a preference for getting under wooden structures, attaching to the wood, and boring upwards. After an inch or two, they take a sharp turn and follow the grain. You'll probably need a flashlight to find these holes. And you'll probably have to get dirty.
After carpenter bees have tunneled into the wood of your home, you may see damage. As a female carpenter bee (the one that does the tunneling) excavates wood, she may accidentally breach the tunnel walls. This can create dashes and dots, sort of like a morse code of wood damage. Search for this type of damage on any untreated or unpainted wood on your property.
A Collapse
The worst way to find out that you have carpenter bees is to have a railing, stair, or some other structure, break. Every year that carpenter bees tunnel in your property, they make the damage worse. Over time, this can lead to structural problems. Most of the time, structures give way and result in no injuries. But it is possible for serious injury to occur.
What To Do When You Discover Carpenter Bees
The best solution for wood-destroying pests is to have a trained and licensed pest control professional deal with the problem so that you don't end up paying a lot of money for repairs. If you live in New England, you may be in our service area. Reach out to Big Blue Bug Solutions for complete control of carpenter bees. We're here to help.

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Alley Bergemann, called before arriving on the day of the appointment, showed up on time, and took care of re-baiting the bait traps as needed. She is patient, polite and answered a few questions I had, all with a pleasant demeanor.- Jonathan P.
Their man, Elijah was a gentleman and very knowledgeable professional. He took the time to carefully listen to me when I explained where the ant infestation was found. He explained clearly what he was going to do to address the issue.
- Pete M. -
The Big Blue Bug Solutions is a GREAT company with very helpful, courteous technicians. This a company that actually helps you with your problems and not try to sell you something you don't need. I am very pleased, and NO, I have no relatives that work at- Robert M.
I just cannot believe the most amazing experience customer service experience I had with Laura who could not have been more knowledgeable, accurate and incredibly pleasant. It is very rare I leave a review but this encounter deserved one!- Kimberly H.
We’ve been using Big Blue Bug for pest control for many years and have been very satisfied! Vince visited today for our regular check in and he is an excellent technician. Thanks, BBB!- Stacey C.
I highly recommend Big Blue Bug Solutions - first - for their customer service. They are professional and efficient and always try to fit me in at a time that is convenient for me. Second, RODNEY IS THE BEST TECHNICIAN!!!!
- Meredith L. -
Peter called to let us know he was on his way and arrived as scheduled. He was very knowledgeable and setup a comprehensive array of traps in each target area to begin capturing the pests and put an end to our troubles.- Mike H.
Shoutout to our tech, Jeremy Cote, who has been servicing our bakery in Richmond and has helped us maintain a pest free environment. He is personable, friendly, and knowledgeable. We highly recommend big blue bug to friends, family, and customers!- Becky M.

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