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Skunks In Your Portland Yard Are More Than Just Smelly

skunk walking in grass

It stinks when skunks come into your yard. It stinks even worse when they find a place to live underneath your deck or porch. But that stinky smell is not the only reason it stinks to have skunks on your property. Let's take a closer look at the problems that come with having skunks around.


Skunks eat grubs. Grubs are the larvae of beetles, and they can be found underground. When skunks come into your yard, they're going to dig for grubs and other tasty morsels. This can leave holes all over your lawn and in your landscaping. These holes are typically about 3 to 4 inches deep. This time of year is when they'll create the most holes. Skunks are quite active in the springtime because they're trying to put on some weight after the lean winter. All that activity will result in damage to your property.


Skunks don't come into your yard by themselves. They bring parasites with them. On the top of the list of parasites you may need to be concerned with are ticks and fleas. These are two ectoparasites that can make dogs, cats, and humans sick. In the last two decades, Lyme disease cases in Maine have skyrocketed.


There are a few animals in the United States that are considered a high risk of transmitting rabies. Bats, raccoons, and skunks top the list. While skunks are docile animals that have no interest in attacking you, they can become aggressive and unpredictable when they contract rabies. This can present a serious danger to you and your dog—if you have one.


Let's get back to that stinky spray. The smell a skunk will create in your yard and possibly under your home can make life miserable. But their ability to spray the foul liquid that makes that smell is a far greater threat. Getting sprayed by a skunk can be extremely unpleasant and lead to nausea, vomiting, burning of the eyes, and temporary blindness. On top of these, you'll stink for a while.

Spring Skunk Prevention Tips

It is not good to have skunks come into your yard and find harborage. Taking steps in spring can prevent skunks from becoming a problem. Here are a few tips:

  • Install fencing around structures that have a void underneath. Make sure you install the fencing at least a foot below the surface; skunks are excellent diggers.
  • If you have wood piles, rock piles, or some other pile near your home, move it to at least 20 feet away.
  • Make sure your trash cans have lids and that they cannot be knocked over.
  • Don't leave food out for skunks. If you normally put food outside in bowls for your pets, consider feeding them inside, or only putting the food down during the day. Skunks are nocturnal animals.
  • A good pest control program can reduce food options for skunks. These smelly pests don't just eat grubs. They eat lots of bugs, and also rodents. A residential pest control program will address a wide range of living creatures that skunks feed on and ultimately have an impact on skunk activity.
  • Protect fruit trees, berry bushes, and vegetables with fencing. Skunks aren't strict carnivores. They'll also eat fruits and vegetables.

Wildlife Control

Whenever you have issues with wildlife in Southern Maine, remember that Big Blue Bug Solutions has one of the most trusted wildlife control teams in New England. We can safely, and humanely remove these troublesome critters from your property. Reach out to us today for immediate assistance.
