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How Dangerous Are Raccoons In Connecticut?

raccoon hiding in the rafters

Raccoons are so cute when they are waddling around in the woods, washing their food in the brook, and all cuddled together in their treehouse dens. They frequently are made into talking cartoon characters that our children adore, and spend hours watching on TV. However, if you encounter a raccoon in the wild, you will understand very quickly that the TV version isn’t accurate. But oh my, they are so stinkin’ cute!

Meet Mr. Raccoon

Raccoons are also known by the names “bandits” “coons” and “ringtails.” It’s obvious by looking at them how they came by those nicknames. The name bandit also applies to their character, they are little thieves! Here are a few raccoon factoids:

  • They are not rodents or vermin.
  • They live two to three years.
  • In the summer months can weigh in at about 24 pounds.
  • Family group is referred to as a “nursery.”
  • They CANNOT impregnate your cat.
  • They are omnivores.
  • Live birth in late spring.

When a nursery of raccoons moves onto your property, they will most likely search every tree for a suitable den. If none can be found, then the structures on your property are the next logical choice. They will find shelter in attics, crawl spaces, barns, or sheds if the opportunity presents itself.

Are Raccoons Good Or Bad?

Good or bad for whom, is probably the question that needs asking. Many will argue that raccoons are friendly, and not a threat. They will even maintain that they are good for the environment. Of course, they are a vital part of the natural ecosystem. Every living thing plays a part in the delicate balance of life, but it would be better if they didn’t live in your attic while doing it.

The fact is that they can be dangerous. Raccoons are the major carrier of rabies in the United States. They also carry roundworms. Both of these can be transferred to humans and pests. While rabid, a raccoon is very aggressive and dangerous, they are unpredictable and fast. They do not, however, have to be rabid to be aggressive. Like any wild animal, if they feel threatened, they will attack. Humans may not see their own behavior as threatening, so they are often startled when the raccoon responds aggressively.

Professional Assistance Is The Way To Go

Raccoons that cannot be released on-site are prohibited from relocation due to their risk for rabies and, most importantly, because there is a Connecticut state law prohibiting relocation. Relocated wildlife generally have low survivability; they wander extensively, and they have the potential to cause harm to other wildlife and be a nuisance for people near the release site. Raccoons that cannot be released on-site must be humanely killed by either shooting, CO2 euthanasia, or lethal injection by a licensed veterinarian. Because the law is so clear on this subject, seeking the assistance of professionals is the wisest course of action. Big Blue Bug Solutions has the expertise needed to handle your raccoon removal needs. Call for a free estimate today.

How Can I Discourage Raccoons From Invading My Property?

While you are waiting for the pros to round up all the bandits, here are some things you can do to discourage the raccoons from getting comfortable.

  • Regularly inspect vents, holes, uncapped chimneys, and other openings along the roof. Look for any damaged areas where they could gain access. Install a mesh cover or cap over chimneys, and other exposed openings, to prevent entry.
  • Store trash in sealed areas, preferably a locked shed or garage. Raccoons are very good at learning how to open garbage cans. If your trash cans are kept outside, it’s best to use tightly fitting, animal-proof lids or bungee cords.
  • They love bird feeders. If you put one out, the raccoons will come for it.
  • Install a motion-activated sprinkler system.
  • Ultrasound animal repeller.
  • Ammonia tablets
  • Coyote urine.

With these tips and professional assistance, you are off to a great start.
