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Carpenter Ants Go Viral!

ant crawling across the floor

Google is not the only place that is seeing high traffic from carpenter ants. Here in the Northeast we are still seeing very high incidences involving carpenter ants in and around homes and businesses. The good news is that the typical ‘busy season’ for these destructive little black ants is early spring through early October. This means that, for the most part, they should become less of a problem over the next few weeks. Having said that though, the threat from these ants is not completely over, even in winter; actually, if you spot carpenter ants in your home or business during the winter it is typically a sign that you have a nest somewhere inside. The only exception to that is when these ants are inadvertently brought into the home in firewood. The ones that are brought in with the wood are typically workers that cannot reproduce and pose very low risk of damage.

Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood. However, they do create tunnels to nest in and travel through in their search for food. They will hollow out these little ‘roadways’ making the wood weak and brittle. In fact, they can do significant and costly structural damage if left unchecked. While the parent colonies are typically found outdoors, the satellite colonies can be found inside particularly in hollow doors, wooden framing and structural beams, insulation, and walls.

The signs to look for that show that you have a carpenter ant issue in your home or business include:

  • Piles of rough looking sawdust
  • Piles of wood shavings
  • Sighting of 20 or more live ants
  • Sighting of large numbers of winged carpenter ants indoors
  • Hearing a rustling sound when you tap on wood you suspect may be housing ants
  • Large colony of carpenter ants near your home

The thing about carpenter ants is that they have to have moisture to survive, so be sure to inspect for and fix leaking pipes as soon as you find them. Also, replace any moisture damaged wood promptly. Next, it is a good idea to keep your trash stored in containers covered with tightly fitting lids. After that is accomplished, be sure to remove old shrub and tree stumps from your yard, trim any over-hanging branches around your roof, and prune branches that touch electrical lines or other wires that connect to your home. Lastly, be sure to elevate your wood piles and store them at least 20 feet from your home.

While these helpful hints may help to keep carpenter ants at bay, the most effective way to avoid the destruction they cause is by implementing a home pest protection plan from Big Blue Bug Solutions. Our experts have been protecting homes and businesses for over 75 years. We provide safe, Eco-friendly, personalized service and have a track record of success that can’t be beat.

For a free home inspection call us today, and rest assured that when you partner with us for pest control solutions, your pest issues will be over.