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Are The Bats Around Providence Dangerous?

a small brown bat crawling on a roof

Providence is home to many large, older houses that evoke a certain irresistible charm. Our quaint aesthetic and massive spaces aren’t only irresistible to potential homeowners, but also to one of the area’s most common pests: bats. 

The southern coast of Rhode Island is home to many bats, the most common one being the small brown bat. They don’t have a lot of natural habitat to choose from in the area, so they seek out room in spacious homes. As the temperatures drop, they look for warm places to hibernate for the winter. The most common areas of bat infestation are the attic, chimney, basement, eaves, and ventilation areas. 

The little brown bat has a small body that measures around three inches long. They are glossy brown and they have brownish-reddish fur that can range in color from bright copper to deep olive. Their wings are furless, black, and have a wingspan between eight and 11 inches. They are found in large colonies of up to 500 bats, though the average size of a typical colony is around 50 bats.

Although these winged pests are disconcerting to have in your home, they are known for being rather helpful to the environment. Their fecal droppings act as a natural fertilizer which helps to pollinate crops and flowers. Additionally, they eat mosquitoes and other backyard bugs like moths and wasps, meaning they help control insect populations. In fact, one little brown bat can eat up to 1,000 small insects in a night.

Despite their helpful contributions to the environment, there’s no doubt that finding a little brown bat in your home is cause for concern. When these pests make themselves comfortable inside your home, they pose a real threat to you and your family. There are a number of risks involved when you have a bat infestation in your house.

  • Bats bite. Not only do they bite and scratch, causing potential infection, but their bites can transmit rabies.
  • Their feces can contain bacteria and disease. Particularly, their droppings contain a fungus that can cause serious lung problems.
  • Not only does their urine and feces smell, but it can cause mold and water damage to your home.
  • Bats are carriers of other pests like ticks, mites, and fleas. This exposes your home to a multitude of other infestations.
  • They can cause severe structural damage to your home, putting you and your loved ones in harm’s way.

Little brown bats cause a host of issues when they decide to make themselves comfortable in your home. Trying to handle the problem on your own can be extremely dangerous as they tend to bite when cornered or confronted. The safest, most effective way to deal with a bat infestation is to contact the professionals.

Our team at Big Blue Bug Solutions is experienced in identifying and eliminating infestations from your home or business. We offer a range of residential and commercial services to the community of Providence and the surrounding areas. From inspection and identification to trapping the bats safely, we’re with you every step of the way. Our pest experts handle the problem quickly and efficiently to protect you and your family from the dangers of a bat infestation. We offer year-round preventative services and make regular maintenance visits to ensure the problem doesn’t return. In case the bats do come back in between routine visits, we promise to come back at no additional charge.

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help protect you, your loved ones, and your home from harmful pests.
