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Are Big Black Ants Harmful?

a carpenter and walking across a stem

There are a few different types of black ants you might find in or around your home. The most common types are carpenter ants and pavement ants. Pavement ants are harmless and are more of an annoyance than anything else. Carpenter ants are not only annoying but can also cause structural damage to your home. These ants eat through wood to make their homes. They will eat through any kind moist or moldy wood, indoors or outdoors.

Carpenter ants are black in color and can be a quarter of an inch long (workers) to a three quarters of an inch long (queen). They have two antenna, six legs and segmented oval shaped bodies. They are mostly found in the north. These ants get their name from building smooth tunnels in wood to make their homes.

These carpenter ants can be a threat to the structure of your home. They will eat through any moist wood in or around your home. They chew through wood making little tunnels for their colony to live. This can cause serious damage to your home. These ants are not generally harmful to human. They are just a pain to have around your home.

To avoid finding carpenter ants in your home you should make sure all doors, windows, vents and wiring are sealed tight. If there are any cracks or holes in the exterior of your home these ants will use it for easy access into your home. They are looking for a warm place and an easy meal. Also, make sure all plumbing maintenance is kept up. Any leaks causing moisture in the wood will be a perfect place for these ants to start a new colony.

If you find you already have a carpenter ant infestation seek a professional exterminator for help.
