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Understanding And Conquering Carpenter Bee Issues In Connecticut

Carpenter bee

As we enter the warmer months each year in Connecticut, many homeowners will increasingly spend more time outdoors in lawn and garden areas. During this period, a host of stinging insects, including wasps, hornets, and bees also emerge. Many different types of stinging insects will form nests in outdoor and residential settings, quickly becoming problematic.

Carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp.) exist in various species throughout the U.S. today. Among the types of stinging insects that homeowners in Connecticut might encounter, carpenter bees are a unique species that may create significant property damage as they burrow through wood structures.

What are some of the most effective carpenter Connecticut bee removal methods that property owners should try? Do-it-yourself efforts to expel bees are notoriously unsuccessful and expose homeowners to potentially painful stings; therefore, contacting a local bee control professional is strongly encouraged. Here’s what we’ve learned about carpenter bees over at Big Blue Bug Solutions in over 80 years of serving Connecticut residents and businesses. 

Carpenter Bees: Habits And Behaviors

Male carpenter bees are territorial creatures that tend to hover in areas searching for mates. Meanwhile, females begin forming nests by penetrating wooden surfaces by creating round holes in areas of the structure including eaves, decks, wood shingles, or fences. 

Unlike termites, carpenter bees do not eat wood. As they form tunnels through the interior, carpenter bees often generate fine, “saw-dust” like piles that homeowners may notice near points of entry.

When are carpenter bees most active? According to The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES), many adult carpenter bees in this region overwinter and emerge during the spring and remain through the summer months. 

Carpenter Bees Will Only Sting If Provoked

Are carpenter bees harmful to human health? Although they may behave aggressively, male carpenter bees pose a very minimal threat, as only female carpenter bees have stingers. Those who endure a carpenter bee sting typically experience mild symptoms, yet some individuals might have allergic reactions that require medical assistance.

Natural Ways To Prevent Carpenter Bees Around The Yard And Home

Are you looking for solutions regarding how to prevent carpenter bees? Property owners in Connecticut should try the following prevention methods:

  • Paint uncoated wood using an oil or polyurethane-based product to deter carpenter bees from penetrating.
  • Fill in any nail holes, cracks, or saw cuts with a durable caulk or steel wool to avoid attracting carpenter bees.
  • Wood surfaces may be covered using vinyl or aluminum to impede carpenter bee access.
  • Some studies suggest that citrus essential oils are effective repellents.

While most Connecticut homeowners who adhere to the aforementioned preventative measures have success, some exceptions may occur. Those who find nests located on their properties should promptly speak with a bee control expert. Well-trained service technicians know how to control carpenter bees and understand what deters carpenter bees from returning to the property.

The Pros To Know For Total Carpenter Bee Control In Connecticut

How can you quickly remove carpenter bees from your property? If you are actively facing problems involving these flying pests, promptly get a hold of a qualified carpenter bee exterminator near you for assistance.

With decades of experience in the residential pest control industry, Big Blue Bug Solutions will safely solve problems for those in Connecticut who are struggling with types of carpenter bees. After receiving an inquiry, one of our experienced service professionals will respond to the premises and conduct an inspection. The information obtained during this assessment forms the basis for developing a customized plan for removing these flying creatures from the property.

The team with Big Blue Bug Solutions is properly trained, licensed, and insured. In addition to stinging insects, we assist property owners in Connecticut facing concerns involving termites, mosquitoes, bed bugs, and many other unwanted types of pests. Contact our office today for complete details. 
