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Living Flea-Free In Connecticut: A Practical Guide To Preventing And Treating Infestations

Dog scratching due to fleas

As spring approaches, certain pests, like fleas, become more active. While they are most commonly a problem in homes with pets, these pests can also get into your yard on wild animals. This article will provide the information you need to achieve successful flea control in Connecticut, no matter what season we are in.

We’ll start by describing how to tell if fleas are in your home and reviewing the health issues they can create for your family and pets. We’ll also explore the factors that might attract fleas to your property to help you take steps to prevent them. Continue reading to learn more about effective flea control with the experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions.

How To Tell If It’s Fleas In Your Home

The first sign of fleas in the house is usually seeing your pets scratching or grooming themselves more than usual or finding bites on yourself. Fleas are tiny, around 1/8 of an inch long, but you should be able to see them without magnification. These insects are reddish-brown to dark brown, and if you get close to them, you’ll probably see them jump (up to 8 inches vertically) using their powerful hind legs.

You may also notice flea feces that look like small dark specks on pet beds, carpets, or sheets. Fleas reproduce rapidly, so starting treatment at the first signs of a problem is crucial. Contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today to learn more about our flea control services or to schedule your free inspection.

The Health Problems A Flea Infestation Can Create

There is no doubt that a flea infestation is frustrating and annoying, but what’s worse is these pests can cause health problems for your family and pets. The following list details some of the health problems fleas can transfer:

  • Tapeworms are parasites that spread when fleas are accidentally swallowed, often by children and pets who spend time on the floor.
  • Bartonellosis (cat scratch fever) is transmitted to humans through scratch from an infected cat.
  • Murine typhus spreads from flea feces through inhalation, accidentally rubbing it in your eyes, or when it gets into flea bite wounds.
  • Tungiasis occurs when fleas burrow under the skin to lay eggs.

The best way to get rid of fleas quickly and completely is to work with a professional pest control company. Contact us today at Big Blue Bug Solutions to learn how we can help eliminate these pests in your home and protect your family and pets from their risks.

Factors That Attract Fleas

After we eliminate your flea infestation, it is time to ensure they won’t come back. Here are some of the most common factors that can attract fleas to your yard:

  • Long grass, weeds, and debris piles
  • Lack of fencing to keep wild animals out
  • Rodent infestations in the yard
  • Over-watering the lawn
  • Failing to schedule regular treatments for the yard

If you need assistance determining what attracts fleas to your property, Big Blue Bug Solutions is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our flea control services or to schedule your free inspection.

Call The Pros To Completely Eliminate The Fleas In Your Home

The safest and most effective way to deal with a flea infestation is to team up with the pros. Big Blue Bug Solutions offers expert flea extermination services to help you get rid of these pests and ongoing services to keep them from returning. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a free inspection.
