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Everything You Should Know About Effective Rodent Control In Cape Cod

Mouse problems in Cape Cod

Rodents are a common problem for homeowners in Cape Cod during the winter months. With colder weather setting in, many of these pests seek shelter in homes and other buildings. It’s important you understand some key facts about these pests and how to combat them. 

In this article, we’ll talk about the basics of rodent control in Cape Cod. We’ll start by discussing rodent control and the purpose of most rodent control techniques. Next, we’ll outline some of the issues that can arise when rodents are on your property. Then, we’ll give you some practical tips and tricks that should help you protect yourself and your family from the threats that rodents pose. 

Finally, we’ll discuss the benefits of working with a professional pest control company such as Big Blue Bug Solutions. We’re committed to helping our customers get rid of pests quickly and safely, and we’ve been serving the Cape Cod area for decades.

What Is Rodent Control? 

First, you should understand what rodent control is and how you can implement it. Rodent control covers a wide variety of preventative and exclusionary practices, all of which are to keep rodents from getting into homes or remove them from homes once they have gotten inside. Rodent control includes rodent prevention and elimination, which we will discuss later in this article. 

Another important aspect of rodent control is knowing how to properly identify signs of rodent activity, as well as the different types of rodents found in the area where you live. 

In the next section, we’ll talk about the many difficulties that rodents can cause in your home.

The Problems Rodents On Your Property Can Create 

Rodents are extremely problematic pests for several reasons. One of the major concerns that rodents bring with them is that of disease. Rodents spread a wide variety of illnesses, including hantavirus, typhus, trichinosis, salmonellosis, jaundice, and rat-bite fever. Their urine and feces can cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks. A rodent infestation can also lead to widespread food contamination, as they will eat many different kinds of food. Fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, meats, sweet or sugary foods, and even pet food are favorite menu items for rodents. 

Now that you know a bit more about the dangers that rodents present, let’s discuss what you can do to keep them away from your home.

Five Effective Rodent Exclusion Tips 

As with many pests, prevention is the best medicine when it comes to dealing with rodents.

Here are a few rodent prevention tips that you can use to keep yourself and your family safe from these pests: 

  1. Don’t leave food out overnight.
  2. Store food in tightly sealed containers.
  3. Close any openings or gaps in the exterior of your home.
  4. Reduce excess moisture in and around your home.
  5. Sweep and vacuum frequently. 

Following these five simple steps can significantly reduce the risk of rodents invading your home this winter. If you need help removing these pests from your Cape Cod home, you can always call Big Blue Bug Solutions.

Contact Big Blue Bug Solutions For The Best Rodent Prevention 

For over 80 years, Big Blue Bug Solutions has been the answer to New England homeowners’ pest control needs. We are fully licensed and insured and offer a wide variety of pest control services for homeowners. Our technicians are highly trained and stay up to date with the latest advancements in pest control technology. 

Contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today to learn more about our professional rodent extermination services or to schedule a free inspection.
