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What Every Auburn Resident Should Know About Bat Control


Auburn residents see many animals around their homes looking for food, water, and shelter. Bats often remain hidden because they only come out at night and usually invade attics. However, these flying mammals can cause as much trouble as other creatures, damaging structures and spreading illnesses.

There are numerous concerns when attempting to control bats in your home. They're hard to locate, bite when handled or threatened, and some species are protected by law, so you need professional bat control in Auburn for intrusions. However, there are ways you can deter bats from invading your home. Keep reading to learn more about bat control on Auburn properties.

About The Life Cycle Of Bats

The bat life cycle begins with pups being born and clinging to their mother. They remain part of their nursery until they reach two or three months old, when they start flying and hunting. They become adults at a year old, becoming a threat to your health.

Most female bats only give birth to one pup each year. They're helpless at this point with undeveloped wings. Bats in warmer climates continue in winter as usual, but northern bats either hibernate or migrate south when it gets cold. 

Their lifespan depends on the bat species, with some living for over 20 years. They roost in trees, caves, and buildings. Since they're social animals, they live in large swarms, creating problems for residents.

Bat-Transmitted Diseases: The Risk To Both People And Pets

Bats are known to transmit over 200 viruses to people and pets. They're not aggressive creatures but bite if threatened or handled. The diseases they carry depend on the species and their habits. However, North American bats can spread numerous illnesses to Auburn residents, including:

  • Rabies
  • Hendra virus
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Leptospirosis
  • Salmonella

In addition to their bites, you'll likely find bat droppings anywhere they inhabit. Inhaling the dust from waste can spread pathogens, and the corrosiveness of the material can cause property damage. Bats also carry parasites like bat mites and bat bugs into homes, possibly causing additional health concerns for residents.

Humane Bat Deterrents: Tips For Bat-Proofing Your Property

Attempting to remove bats from your home can be troublesome because they're defensive when handled and protected by law. However, that doesn't mean you can't protect your home. While it's best to stay away from these creatures, there are ways you can prevent them from invading. Bat mitigation tips for your Auburn property include:

  • Place screens on attic vents and chimney openings.
  • Close holes and gaps in the exterior of your home.
  • Install door sweeps.
  • Seal your doors and windows.

Bats enter attics to feed on insects and hide from predators. These tips can reduce the chances they infest your home, but some might still enter through gaps in your exterior. When you notice signs of bats in your house, call the experts to remove them.

Contact The Experts About Bat-Proofing Your Home

The defensive nature, health threats, and corrosive droppings of bats make them some of the most troublesome creatures that infest Auburn homes. There are ways you can deter these creatures from invading, but some might still find a way inside. Attempting to remove them can cause health concerns, so you need to call the professionals to eliminate your infestation.

At Big Blue Bug Solutions, our technicians will inspect your attic to find these pests, possible entry points, and potential health risks. We can remove those that enter your house and use state-of-the-art bat exclusion techniques to keep others away. Our regular pest services can remove attractants, making your home less desirable to bats and other pest species. Call us to protect your Auburn property from bats.
