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Everything You Should Know About Total Pest Control In Rhode Island

White house with a big yard

You don’t need us to remind you that maintaining a home is a lot of work. From washing windows to fixing HVAC machines, it doesn’t take much for the small (and not-so-small tasks) to pile up.

One of these not-so-small tasks includes residential pest control. This includes the active and passive projects required to keep invaders out of your home.

However, it can be hard to know if you’re doing the right thing to prevent pests from getting inside. Are you on the right track with pest control in Rhode Island, or are you missing a piece of the puzzle?

This full guide from Big Blue Bug Solutions can help you find out. Here, we’re covering everything you should know about pest prevention, Integrated Pest Management methodology, and professional treatment services.

Looking to prevent infestations early on? We’ve got a section just for you. Looking for full-scale pest control services? We explain how Big Blue Bug Solutions can help at the bottom of the guide.

But before we get into that, let’s start back at the beginning.

Pest Control Is Very Important For The Health Of Your Home

Like brushing your teeth or washing your hands, pest control is a type of household hygiene. Not only does it keep potential infestations at bay, but it also reduces your risk of expensive remedial treatments.

Think about carpenter ants, for example, which can chew through furniture and structural supports. Removing an infestation and repairing the damage could cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. Preventing pests from getting inside? That’s a far less expensive process.

With the importance of pest control now clearly outlined, let’s take a closer look at some eco-friendly management options.

Going Green: How Green Pest Control Aligns With Sustainable Living

One of the most effective ways to keep pests out of the house is to rely on Integrated Pest Management methodology (or IPM). This is an eco-friendly solution to common pest problems that start with the least impactful management method first.

Let’s say you have a pest infestation(like mosquitoes) growing around your house. To fight it off with an IPM strategy, you can:

  • Mow grass properly.
  • Remove standing water.
  • Prune tree limbs.
  • Control flowering plants near the sides of the house.
  • Prevent future invaders with cultural and biological controls.

Of course, IPM alone isn’t a comparable alternative to professional pest control. For hundreds of residents across Rhode Island, Big Blue Bug Solutions is the obvious solution to unwanted pest activity.

Professional Pest Control Is A Great Way To Eliminate An Infestation

Big Blue Bug Solutions has treated Rhode Island homes for more than 80 years. We pride ourselves in taking a customized approach to every household and yard we treat.

Our home pest control services come with free inspections so we can get to the bottom of your lingering pest issues. From there, we can apply effective treatments with three preventative maintenance visits per year.

Want more information about home pest control in Rhode Island? Just call Big Blue Bug Solutions today.

Safeguarding Your Home From Unwanted Visitors

Professional pest control services work even more effectively when used hand-in-hand with prevention techniques.

Here are some tips from Big Blue Bug Solutions on safeguarding your home from unwanted invaders:

  • Seal cracks and gaps in your exterior with waterproof caulking.
  • Move trash out of the house on a regular basis.
  • Keep floors, carpets, and food prep surfaces clean.

Remember: if you see pests return between visits, give our pest control company a call. We will return to your property to re-address the issue and put your mind at ease.
