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What's The Best Way To Keep Ticks Away From My Cape Cod Yard?

tick on tip of stick

At one point or another, most people on the Cape have had to pull a tick off themselves, a child, or a pet. Whether you're taking a hike, walking the dog, or just trying to do some yard work, these pests can be a real problem in our area. This blog will explain more about tick control in Cape Cod and how to keep these risky pests away from your family.

We'll start by explaining what a tick is and reviewing the risks they pose to your family and pets. We'll also provide some simple yet effective tips for preventing ticks on your property. Continue reading to learn more about ticks and the best way to keep ticks out of your yard with Big Blue Bug Solutions. 

What Exactly Is A Tick?

Ticks are small, parasitic pests that feed warm-blooded hosts like wild animals, pets, and people. Before a tick bites and feeds on a host, they are flat and have a tear-drop shape, and after feeding, they become engorged (filled with blood). Their size and color vary depending on the species and whether or not they have recently eaten. 

If you find ticks inside the house or on your family and pets when they come in from the yard, there is a good chance there is an infestation on your property. Because these pests are a risk to your family, it is best to contact a local company for assistance in quickly eliminating them in your yard. Call us today at Big Blue Bug Solutions for help getting rid of ticks in Cape Cod and preventing them from returning. 

Do All Ticks Carry Diseases?

When a tick bites and feeds on an animal, it can pick up pathogens that can spread to the next host they choose to feed on. Not every tick that bites will transmit an illness, but there is no way to tell if they carry pathogens until symptoms arise. The following list details some of the diseases spread by different types of ticks in our area:

  • American dog ticks: Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick paralysis
  • Blacklegged (deer) ticks: Lyme disease, Powassan virus, anaplasmosis, babesiosis
  • Brown dog ticks: Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Boutonneuse fever
  • Lone star ticks: tularemia, Heartland virus, Bourbon virus, and Southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI)

Ticks can also transmit many of these and other illnesses to pets. Officials estimate around 50% of the ticks on the Cape carry Lyme disease. Contact us today at Big Blue Bug Solutions to learn how we can help lower the chances of a tick bite on your property. 

What Are Effective Tick Prevention Tips For My Yard?

You can take several proactive steps to help keep ticks away from your yard and family. Here are some natural tick prevention tips you can start using today:

  • Keep the grass cut short.
  • Eliminate excessive vegetation.
  • Install fencing to keep wild animals out.
  • Remove leaf litter and debris.

Combining these tips with professional tick control services is the most effective way to reduce the chances of ticks on your property. Contact us today at Big Blue Bug Solutions to get rid of ticks and keep them from coming back. 

Professional tick control in Cape Cod from Big Blue Bug Solutions can help protect your family and pets from these potentially dangerous pests. We've been helping New Englanders defend their homes and families from pests since 1935. Contact us today to learn more about our tick control services or to schedule your free inspection.
