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The Importance Of Commercial Pest Control For South Portland Restaurants


The holiday season means big things for businesses. In the South Portland area, it means a significant increase in traffic as people travel and shop. Thanksgiving may not be a big restaurant holiday, but the days around it can provide great variety in the customers coming through, as Black Friday shoppers arrive in waves and traveling family members flow through the airport gates both incoming and outgoing. With all that variety comes the dynamic opportunity and the unpredictable risk that restaurateurs live for these days: customer reviews. Reviews can make or break a business (especially a restaurant), rendering even honest effort and the best of intentions useless as they influence the decisions of those you never even knew were considering giving you their custom. It makes sense then that this time of year, and really any time of year, you want to be concerned with emphasizing the best aspects of your business and keeping the risk of negative perception to an absolute minimum.

It's true that commercial pest control is another expense in a list of expenses that small and large businesses alike face in looking to stay competitive, but the devastation that an infestation, or even an untimely pest sighting, can cause goes well beyond the problem itself, and can stain a restaurant's reputation for years. People, especially travelers, use apps like Yelp to determine the best venues in an area. They can search for specific locations and get detailed reviews from previous customers relating to their experience and list both pros and cons. That kind of independent reporting is trusted, and the report that a mouse or cockroach was sighted in or even around your establishment is easily enough to send your restaurant to the bottom of a long list of choices that South Portland has to offer.

The expense that professional pest control requires is an investment in your business' security. Big Blue Bug Solutions can provide experience in combating pests that threaten your restaurant, leaving you free to worry about other things. Our trained professionals will thoroughly inspect your property, identify risks and active pest problems, and provide suggestions for making your workplace inhospitable to pests looking for easy pickings. We can often use very low-impact methods to get rid of pests, allowing you to continue business as usual, and with monthly monitoring, we ensure that your restaurant can keep moving forward, rather than facing recurring pest intrusions. Consider investing in your own success by giving Big Blue Bug Solutions a call, and let us take the big weight of those little pests off your shoulders today.
