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Fleas In Your Framingham Home Can Be A Bigger Problem Than You Think

flea on animal fur

Framingham flea exterminators can help to ward off all kinds of problems caused by fleas, and this article will explain exactly why flea control is so important. It's easy to think of fleas as cartoony little insects with a real talent for jumping. While it's true that they have impressive jumping abilities, it's important to remember why fleas do what they do and how they can disrupt your home life. 

Also, it's really important to remember that fleas don't just target pets. They can bite us, too, and they can even spread dangerous diseases. But let's not jump ahead. First, let's discuss how to identify fleas in your home. 

How To Tell If It's Fleas In Your Home

It can be difficult to positively identify a flea infestation. For example, you might be wondering if you have bed bugs or fleas in your house. After all, these pests have a certain number of similarities. However, focusing on the differences is what's important here. Both bed bugs and fleas in Framingham are tiny to the human eye, but if you can manage to get a look at one or the other up close, it's easy to see the difference. Bed bugs are generally rounder in shape, resembling a tick. Fleas, on the other hand, have very long legs, and their shape makes them look closer to fruit flies. It's also possible to see fleas from a distance if they're in motion. They look like small, dark specks, and you're most likely to see them near carpets, rugs, or other soft surfaces, since hard surfaces leave them exposed. Also, fleas typically prefer pests, so pay attention to your little guys and see if they've been scratching more than usual lately.  

Fleas In The Home Are A Health Hazard

Are fleas dangerous to humans? The short answer is yes. You probably already know that fleas can cause health problems for animals, such as infections and tapeworms, but fleas also bite humans. As with other pest bites, you'll notice an itch. These will most likely be near your feet or ankles. If you suspect that you've been bitten by a flea recently, pay close attention to your health in the coming days. 

According to health authorities, fleas can spread several diseases to humans, such as tungiasis, flea-borne typhus, and cat scratch disease. And yes, that last one is indeed real. To keep yourself and your pets safe, take an active interest in pest control and prevention for your home, especially in the warm and humid months. 

Proactive And Practical Flea Prevention Tips

Fortunately, flea prevention isn't difficult, but it does require commitment over the long term. Here are a few key flea prevention tips to keep in mind: 

  • Manage the humidity in your home using air conditioning or a dehumidifier when necessary. 
  • Vacuum rugs and carpets frequently to trap hiding fleas and dispose of the vacuum bag right away. 
  • Maintain a clean and well-trimmed lawn. 
  • Rake fallen leaves regularly during the autumn. 
  • Talk to your local vet about effective flea control products for your pets. 

These aren't expensive measures, and they really can help reduce the number of fleas around your property, making your home that much safer. 

Call The Pest Control Experts For Total Flea Elimination

At long last, how do you get rid of fleas? The most effective option, by far, is to work with a licensed pest control service in your area. By partnering with professionals, you can rest assured that you're getting effective and safe flea control. And, of course, you can relax and go back to enjoying your home without having to worry about pesky bites.  

Contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today to learn more about our home pest control service for Framingham homes.
