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Carpenter Ant Control: Effective Strategies For Connecticut Homeowners

carpenter ant on rock

Neighboring the state of New York, Connecticut is a New England state offering plenty of variety when purchasing homes. Whether you prefer to live by sandy beaches, in a charming historic district, or in an urban city with non-stop activity, homes throughout Connecticut experience visits from carpenter ants. Unless you've got superior ant pest control services in Connecticut, carpenter ants can tunnel through homes, with homeowners none the wiser.

Identifying Carpenter Ants: Physical Characteristics And Behaviors

No one wants ants invading their homes, whether tiny, mid-size, or overly large. The excellent news about carpenter ants is that they're generally larger than many of their counterparts, making identification easier; the bad news is that they can cause significant damage to homes.

Four characteristics of carpenter ants in Connecticut include the following:

  1. Their coloration is typically black, but red, brown, or a combination of red and black is also possible.
  2. They range in size from 1/2 to 5/8 of an inch long.
  3. They have segmented oval-shaped bodies with a distinct pinched waist between the thorax and abdomen.
  4. They have six legs and elbowed antennae.

Carpenter ants that stay outdoors are essential to the ecosystem as they help break down dead and decaying trees. They often nest in and around wood, such as hollow trees, stumps, and logs where wood is moist and rotting. When outdoors, carpenter ants especially enjoy honeydew and aphids that produce a yummy sugary substance. However, workers get sent out to search for more when food and moisture supplies dwindle. Since carpenter ants enjoy the same foods people do, they often enter homes. If they discover a generous food and moisture supply, they'll lay down a scent trail that draws others indoors, and the tunneling begins.

Carpenter ants firmly established in homes can be challenging to eliminate alone. Even if a homeowner only sees one zipping across the floor or counter, it's essential to immediately call Big Blue Bug Solutions. Quick action is vital to ensure homes stay protected against carpenter ant damage.

Carpenter Ants Do Not Eat Wood: They Just Chew It

Unlike termites, carpenter ants don't eat wood; but don't breathe a sigh of relief; while carpenter ants don't eat the wood, they are masters at drilling through it. Carpenter ants that search for places to establish nests will use their powerful jaws to grab, chew, and excavate wood to develop nests. Some popular nesting areas include wall voids, within insulation, in structural wood, up in the attic, underneath bathroom and kitchen cabinets, and in door or window casings. Uninterrupted excavation can lead to nest expansion and structural deficiencies over time.

Homeowners who wish to sidestep costly damages to the wooden structures in their houses should seek help from the pest professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions. Our carpenter ant treatments can help homeowners avoid carpenter ant damage in their homes.

Carpenter Ant Prevention: How To Remove Attracting Factors

The best way to deter ants from considering local homes as attractive nesting spots is by removing factors that lure them. With a few proactive measures, homeowners can help send inquisitive carpenter ants in the opposite direction and away from local homes.

Easy preventative measures that can help deter foraging carpenter ants include:

  • Eliminate damp areas in homes and fix any plumbing issues or leaks.
  • Inspect and seal any cracks, crevices, or gaps ants can use to access homes.
  • Remove and replace any wood that has moisture damage.
  • Don't store wood products or firewood close to homes.
  • Trim back any plants or branches that brush up against houses.
  • Practice good sanitation indoors by cleaning up crumbs and spills immediately.
  • Store foods in airtight containers or in your refrigerator.

Homeowners who take a proactive stance to carpenter ant prevention are certainly a step ahead of others who do not; however, a determined ant is hard to stop. When and if carpenter ants subvert your prevention efforts, it's good to know Big Blue Bug Solutions is nearby and can quickly treat carpenter ant infestations.

Professional Assistance: Vital To Total Carpenter Ant Control

Homeowners who find carpenter ants indoors should always seek professional assistance from Big Blue Bug Solutions to get rid of carpenter ants from Connecticut homes. Our company has provided customers in the New England area with professional and comprehensive pest control services for over 80 years. We are so confident in our Connecticut carpenter ant removal capabilities that we offer our customers a "no bug" guarantee. Call Big Bug Blue Solutions today for your free estimate.
