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What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of A Mole Problem In My Yard In Rhode Island?

mole in yard

Ground mole removal can keep your yard safe and healthy all year long, and today, we're going to explain the basics of resolving mole problems. We know just how frustrating it can be to discover moles in your yard, especially if you take great care to keep your lawn and gardens as healthy and tidy as possible. Unfortunately, DIY mole control isn't a feasible option. 

The good news is that quality pest control services in Rhode Island are available to help you and your yard get back to normal for moles. Let's get started. 

What Kind Of Animals Are Moles?

Okay, so let's start with the basics: what exactly are moles? Moles are animals, and more specifically, moles are mammals that tend to be around six inches in length. 

Although they have certain behavioral similarities to other tunneling animals like groundhogs, moles are not rodents. Looking at a mole, you can quickly tell that evolution has designed them to be really good at moving and living underground. In terms of life span, moles often live just a few years, with some species living as long as six years. 

Now, let's talk about the damage that moles can cause and how lawn mole control can help. 

How Much Damage Can Moles Do To My Yard?

Being able to properly identify moles is all well and good, but the big question for many homeowners is, "Just how much damage can moles do to my yard?" 

The first thing we should get out of the way is that, unlike other kinds of wildlife pests, moles aren't going after your fruits or vegetables. In fact, they're not especially interested in plants. Moles prefer to eat a variety of insects, including, you guessed it, lots of insects typically found underground. 

But because they spend so much time below the surface, moles don't realize when they're burrowing through your yard or garden. Mole tunnels can easily alter the appearance of your lawn and your plants. In particular, tunnels can sometimes lift the roots of your grass and plants, causing them to lose access to vital nutrients in the soil. 

Of course, mole control can help you avoid all of this damage by removing the source of the problem.   

Why Do I Have A Mole Problem In My Yard?

Mole pest control begins with understanding why moles are attracted to our yards and how you can discourage them from coming near. Basically, moles come to your yard to look for insects they can eat. That's all.

By using the following tips, you can prevent future mole problems by addressing key attractors: 

  • Plant flowers like daffodils and marigolds to prevent moles from coming near. They don't like the smell of these flowers. 
  • Address yard insects. If you manage ant, earthworm, and grub infestations in your yard, moles won't have a reason to visit. Ask your local pest control service for advice. 
  • Create a trench between your yard and garden areas. Filling this trench with gravel will prevent moles from crossing it. 
  • Keep your grass mowed short and regularly trim hedges and shrubs. 

Mitigating the factors that attract moles to yards also reduces the chances of experiencing a mole problem. Up next: what to do if you currently have a mole problem in your yard. 

In every case, the best way to get rid of lawn moles near your home is to partner with a reliable local pest control service that can give you and your backyard the proper time to resolve the issue. 

Professionals use modern mole control methods to make sure that the moles are removed safely while keeping your lawn and garden protected. 

Reach out to us today at Big Blue Bug Solutions for help with moles and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Rhode Island.
