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Spiders Be Gone: A Guide To Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Connecticut Home

black widow spider in web

Fall is a beautiful time of year in Connecticut, and we all look forward to the changing leaves and more comfortable temperatures. But this time of year is also when spiders mate, and you will likely see more inside the house. If spiders are a problem in your home, this guide will provide everything you need to keep them outside where they belong.

We’ll start by describing the most common species that enter local homes. We’ll also review the symptoms of a bite and tell you what warning signs to watch for if someone has a bad reaction. Keep reading to learn more about spider control in Connecticut, including how to spider-proof your home with the pros at Big Blue Bug Solutions.

Types of Spiders: A Guide To The Most Common Species

Being able to identify spider species in Connecticut at a glance can help you protect your family from dangerous bites. The following list describes the various types of spiders we find in local homes in Connecticut:

  • Black widow spiders are over 1 inch long with glossy black bodies with a distinct red hourglass marking on the abdomen and build messy webs at ground level.
  • House spiders grow between 5/16 and 1 inch long, are yellowish brown, and create numerous tangled webs throughout the house.
  • Yellow sac spiders grow to an inch long, including the legs, are light yellow to cream-colored and build webs that look like silken sacs or tubes around corners and ceilings.

If you have trouble identifying or eliminating the spiders in your home, the experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions are here to help. Contact us today with any questions or to learn more about our spider control services.

Spider Bite Symptoms: Warning Signs To Watch For

A bite from most species, like house spiders, will produce mild symptoms like an itchy red bump on your skin. But in our area, there are two dangerous spiders whose bites can require medical attention—the black widow and the yellow sac. Most species try to avoid people, and bites are accidental, but yellow sac spiders are among the few species that will bite without provocation.

Black widow venom is a neurotoxin that can cause symptoms like pain, fever, sweating, increased blood pressure, and muscle aches. Symptoms from a yellow sac spider bite are similar but less severe, although their venom can sometimes cause necrosis and an ulcerating wound. For help getting rid of these hazardous pests, contact us today at Big Blue Bug Solutions.

Professional Spider Control: When To Call In The Experts

Professional spider control is the safest and most effective way to get rid of spiders and prevent them from returning to your home. Most spiders lay hundreds of eggs at a time, so the sooner you get them out, the better. Contact us today at Big Blue Bug Solutions to learn more about how our spider control services can defend your home against these pests.

Spider-Proofing: Tips For Preventing Spiders In The Home

Spider-proofing your house can help keep spiders and other pests out. Here are some of our best tips to prevent spiders in your home:

  • Seal cracks and gaps to eliminate entryways.
  • Reduce clutter to remove hiding spots.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet from your home. 
  • Address other pest problems that may attract spiders.

Big Blue Bug Solutions offers local home pest control services in Connecticut to help you eliminate these pests. Contact us today with any questions or to schedule a free inspection, and get back to a safe, pest-free home.
