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Keeping Moles At Bay: Expert Advice On Mole Control For Your Maine Yard


Finding a mole tunnel—or many tunnels—in your yard can be frustrating. These animals hide underground, which makes removing them more difficult. And if you’ve spent time caring for your lawn and garden, moles can undo all that work as they dig their tunnels.

Big Blue Bug Solutions provides pest control services in Maine designed to get rid of moles and ensure they don’t come back. 

Understanding Mole Behavior: How Moles Affect Yards And Gardens

The most important thing to know about moles is that they dig and live in underground tunnels. They’re solitary animals, meaning they don’t live in groups; this is good news for your yard since you probably don’t have a large colony of moles underneath your lawn. Since they live underground, moles mostly eat insects and worms.

Moles are small-ish mammals—not rodents—with large paws for digging. A mole can be anywhere from 4 to 10 inches in length. They have brown fur. As moles dig, they create tunnel systems of varying depths they live in and travel through. 

Assessing Mole Damage: Gauging The Extent Of Tunneling

If moles are living under your yard, you’ll be able to see visible mounds or runways on the surface of your lawn. Some tunnels will be several inches below the surface, but finding ones you can see is a good place to start. Try tamping down visible tunnels and observing the space for a few days to see where new tunnels form. You can also probe the ground near visible tunnels. If the ground gives way, you’ve found a deeper one. Knowing where mole tunnels are is the key to finding them, which means you can get rid of them. Effective mole pest control involves understanding mole behavior so you can be sure to remove all the animals from your yard. 

Mole-Proofing Garden Bed: Effective Techniques

Mole control traps are most effective when placed underground in a location the mole can’t avoid. Often, a mole is able to sense foreign objects in the tunnels and will close off sections to avoid them. Mole repellents can be effective for your yard. These tend to have varying results; a specific type might work for your yard while others fail, or it might be that none work at all. 

You can prevent moles in Maine from moving into your yard in a few ways. These methods aren’t infallible, but they can be useful in mole control and exclusion:

  • Control lawn grubs and insects so moles don’t have an easy food source.
  • Dig a trench that’s two feet deep and six inches wide around your yard and fill it with rocks, or line it with wire mesh; this creates a barrier that moles can’t dig through.
  • Keep your lawn cut short.
  • Clear out piles of yard debris since moles seek out areas where they can find extra shelter.

There are many options for mole control products on the market. To remove moles from your yard and prevent them from returning, you need professional pest control. 

Professional Mole Control: The Benefits Of Hiring Experts

Big Blue Bug Solutions provides mole control in Maine that is fully customizable to suit your needs. When you call us with a mole problem, we send a trained technician to your home to evaluate the situation. We’ll work with you to decide on the best course of action. Some of our typical mole services include live trapping, exclusion work, and habitat modification. Each option is proven effective at eliminating mole problems while minimizing the damage to your yard. 

Don’t waste your time and money on do-it-yourself traps and treatments; call the professionals for help with moles and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Maine. Big Blue Bug Solutions is the best way to get moles out of your yard for good. 
