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How To Keep Bats Away From Your Rhode Island Home: A Comprehensive Guide

bat on tree

Bat control in Rhode Island is important for keeping your family and your property safe. Fortunately, with a bit of background and some assistance from local pest control experts, bat control isn’t difficult. 

Welcome to our guide to bat control and removal for all of Rhode Island’s residential areas. Soon, you’ll know the fundamentals of the bat life cycle, the diseases that bats are known to carry, practical prevention tips, and the value of professional bat removal services.  

In the future, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about bat issues in or near your home. With the introduction out of the way, let’s begin. 

The Bat Life Cycle: From Birth To Maturity

There are many different species of bats, but they all share the same life cycle. After being born, baby bats progress to bat pups. Female bats typically only give birth to one child at a time. Like other mammals, bat pups stay close to their mothers until they start to mature. 

Within about a year of being born, bats become full adults. As adults, they join in the hunting and become full members of the colony. 

On the topic of life expectancy, bats live for between 10 and 20 years. Compared to the lifespans of insect pests, that’s an eternity. In other words, bats in the home aren’t likely to age out. They need to be dealt with, or they’ll stay as long as they can. 

Bat-Borne Diseases: Understanding The Risks To Human Health

Like other types of pests, it’s possible for bats to transmit various diseases when they come into contact with humans. This doesn’t mean that every bat is carrying a disease, but it does mean that bats present a health risk. 

Bats are known to spread rabies, salmonellosis, and histoplasmosis. In general, if you start to notice unexpected symptoms after coming into close contact with a bat, you should seek the advice of a medical professional.  

Bat control helps to prevent the spread of these diseases by eliminating the chances of any close encounters. Keeping them far away from home means not having to worry about serious health risks. 

Eco-Friendly And Proactive Bat Prevention Tips For Your Home

Home pest control for bats begins with prevention efforts, and we’ve compiled a list of natural, eco-friendly bat prevention measures that anyone can use:

  • Seal off chimneys and vents with exterior openings. 
  • Repair any damage to the exterior of your home, especially siding and window frames. 
  • Manage other pest problems in the home, specifically insect pests. 
  • Use wind chimes or homemade noise-making devices on fruit trees to deter hunting bats. 
  • Use motion-sensitive exterior lights to keep bats from coming near. 
  • Use scents like cinnamon and eucalyptus in areas where bats might enter your home.   

These are safe and simple ways to keep bats away from your home without causing them any harm. However, if there are already bats living inside your home, you should seriously consider contacting the professionals. 

Hiring Professional Bat Services: Peace Of Mind And Long-Term Results

Pest control services offering humane bat control can quickly and efficiently remove bats from your property. Not only is this the safest option for you and your family, but it’s also the safest option for the bats. 

In the U.S., certain bat species receive special protections from state and federal governments. Bat removal experts know how to get bats out of your house without harming them, and that’s exactly why you should plan to hire professionals if you currently have bats living somewhere in your home.  

For professional bat removal near you, contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today.
