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What's The Best Way To Keep Flies Out Of My House In Massachusetts?

fly on dirty floor

Fly pest control is all too easy to overlook. You might see a fly, swat at it a few times, and then forget about it until it starts annoying you again. But flies of all kinds can cause problems in your home. 

Fortunately, getting rid of flies isn’t tricky, and neither is preventing future fly infestations. This article will provide all you need to know about the whys and hows of pest control for flies in Massachusetts, with a particular emphasis on prevention. 

You also might find it helpful to bookmark this article for future reference, just in case the flies come buzzing when their next active season rolls around. Ok, let’s get started. 

How Can I Tell What Type Of Flies Are In My House?

Many different types of flies are common in the United States, and we would like to focus on three fly species today that you’re likely to find here in Massachusetts: the house fly, the blow fly, and the fruit fly. 

House flies are relatively large. They can be up to 1/4 long, and they’re usually gray. House flies also make an audible buzzing sound as they fly around. 

Blow flies can easily be mistaken for house flies. They’re similar in size, though they also have varied coloring. They can be blue, green, or even black. Blow flies like to go after rotting food, so you’ll likely see them around garbage cans. 

Fruit flies are much smaller than these other two species. Expect fruit flies to be tan or brown. They typically spend time near drains and can even reproduce inside sink drains. They’re attracted to fruits and vegetables, but a variety of sweet substances can also draw them. Additionally, fruit flies are attracted to bright colors. 

How Dangerous Is It To Have Flies In Your House?

Different species of flies present various health risks in your home. But in general, the problem with flies of any kind is that they can spread dangerous germs throughout your home. House flies alone can spread a wide variety of dangerous diseases, such as typhoid fever, leprosy, dysentery, tuberculosis, and cholera. What’s especially troubling is that flies can spread germs so quickly, moving from surface to surface in a matter of seconds. Even if you don’t notice where a fly is landing inside your home, chances are they’ve already placed germs in many different locations.

The best solution is to remove fly infestations and prevent future infestations, which we’ll discuss in the next section. Still, in the short term, you can sanitize surfaces often to mitigate the health risks that flies bring into the home. 

How Can I Prevent Flies From Coming Into My House?

Moving on to how to prevent flies from coming into your house in the future, try to put these tips into practice: 

  • Remove sources of standing water, both inside and outside of your home. 
  • Keep food in airtight containers.
  • Repair damaged window screens. 
  • If you notice dead flies around the house, remove them as soon as possible. 
  • Make sure to seal your garbage cans tightly. 
  • Regularly sanitize floors and counters. 
  • Pour boiling water down your drains to deter fruit flies. 

Turning these tips into habits can drastically reduce fly activity in your home. To close out, let’s talk about professional fly control. 

How Do I Get Rid Of Flies In My Home For Good?

Ready to get rid of flies for good? Then, we highly recommend working with a pest control company in your area.  

Pest control providers have every possible advantage regarding efficient and effective fly control. They can also offer personalized prevention advice so that you can stop future fly infestations before they even start.  

For local fly control in Massachusetts, contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today.
