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Silverfish Survival Guide: How To Eliminate Silverfish In Your Connecticut Home For Good

silverfish on floor in home

Welcome to a comprehensive guide to silverfish pest control in Connecticut. If you’ve ever seen a silverfish on your bathroom floor, you already know how off-putting these pests can be.

This article will explain how to endure a silverfish invasion of your home, the basics of silverfish behavior, the negative effects of a silverfish presence, and the value of silverfish control and prevention to keep silverfish out of your house for good.

Get ready to send those silverfish packing. Let’s get started.

Understanding Silverfish: Behavior, Habitat, And Life Cycle

Understanding the enemy is key to victory, and silverfish happen to be peculiar kinds of pests. Let’s go over some of the essential points of silverfish behavior.

The silverfish life cycle is a relatively simple one. Over the course of four to six weeks, silverfish eggs develop into nymphs and finally into adults. Silverfish then remain in the adult stage for the rest of their lives.

How long do silverfish live? Silverfish can actually live for quite a long time, from two to three years. Of course, this lifespan depends on key survival conditions. Silverfish need food to survive, but their access to moisture is even more important. Silverfish need to have moist, humid environments to live in. That’s also important to remember for silverfish prevention, but there will be more on that later.

Damaging Effects Of Silverfish In Your Home: What You Need To Know

Silverfish classified as pests begs the question: are silverfish harmful? Surely, they’re not just creepy to look at. And yes, silverfish can be harmful, just not in the sense of personal health.

Silverfish aren’t known to spread dangerous germs or contaminate surfaces. They don’t attack humans, and they don’t have any venom to inject. However, silverfish can cause pretty significant damage in terms of your personal belongings.

Silverfish aren’t picky eaters and don’t limit themselves to human foods, either. While there are certain human foods they will eat, such as grains or cereals, silverfish also eat paper products, fabric, and even cardboard.

This is bad news for your favorite clothes, documents, and keepsakes. If silverfish can access the areas where you store these items in your home, your belongings will be at serious risk. There’s nothing worse than realizing, too late, that silverfish have already found their way into that box of historical newspapers or antique books.

The good news here is that control and prevention efforts can help you avoid any damage to these items.

Professional Silverfish Control: The Benefits Of Expertise

Professional silverfish pest control is a specialized area of pest control, and not every pest control company offers silverfish removal. But the ones that do leverage experience and modern methods to make sure that live silverfish are dealt with.

Pest control providers are also adept at identifying the underlying factors of a silverfish problem, which, in turn, can make it a lot easier for you to address those factors and reduce the chances of silverfish returning in the future.

If you’re on the fence about moving forward with silverfish control, you can also call a local pest control company and ask any questions you might have.

Effective Prevention: Tips To Keep Silverfish From Returning

On the topic of silverfish prevention, we’ve listed out some of the most important things you can do to make your home far less attractive to silverfish:

  • Keep important documents in a safe or in airtight containers.
  • Vacuum rugs and carpets often.
  • Generally, reduce the amount of humidity in your home through air conditioning or a dedicated dehumidifier unit. 
  • Repair leaking pipes as soon as possible.
  • Seal or repair small cracks in walls that silverfish could use to squeeze through, especially in bathrooms and basements.

Reach out to us today for help with silverfish and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Connecticut.
