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Say Goodbye To Bats: Professional Bat Control Services In Rhode Island


Bat control in Rhode Island is such an important part of keeping your home safe, and honestly, it’s the safest option for bats as well, which is something we’ll be discussing later in the article.

What we’d like to do here today is explain the fundamentals of bat control and removal for residential properties so you can make informed decisions to have bat problems taken care of and prevent future issues.

Bat control is a  specialized area of pest control, but with the right information, the average homeowner can safeguard their property and avoid serious health and safety concerns. Let’s talk about it.

Comprehensive Bat Inspection: Assessing The Extent of Infestation

It’s one thing to know that bats are somewhere in your house, but figuring out how bad the problem is, is different. Bats may not reproduce as fast as many pest insects, but they still do so relatively quickly. In other words, leaving a bat problem unattended for weeks or months could worsen the situation.

Even if you know where the bats are hiding inside your home during the daytime, we do not recommend taking a look for yourself. The last thing you want to do is risk a direct encounter with a bat, let alone multiple bats.

In contrast, pest control professionals can properly identify signs of bats in the house and recommend appropriate measures for their safe removal, which we’ll discuss more soon. The key takeaway at the start is that it’s important to take action soon after noticing a bat problem in your home. Further, professional inspections are the best way to assess the seriousness of the infestation.

Health Risks Posed By Bats: Understanding Disease Transmission

It’s important to understand that bats present health risks to humans, especially living inside human homes. For example, bats can carry rabies. If a bat carrying rabies bites a human, that person must seek medical treatment immediately.

But bat bites aren’t the only way for bats to spread dangerous diseases. For example, bat droppings can potentially lead to a respiratory illness known as histoplasmosis. This is a persistent danger; histoplasmosis can spread even long after the bat droppings have dried. Cleaning bat droppings should always be done with proper respiratory safety equipment.

These health risks are definitely the most serious safety concerns when it comes to a bat infestation. Bites, on their own, can be painful but aren’t likely to cause severe bleeding. Even so, the safest option is to have bats removed from the home and to prevent them from returning in the future.

Professional Exclusion: Expert Services For Effective Bat Prevention

Removing bats and preventing future infestations is a delicate process, especially since certain species of bats have government protections. For this reason, one of the most common bat removal techniques is called exclusion.

Exclusion involves a few key steps:

  • Creating one-way exits for bats currently in the house. 
  • Closing other potential entry points in the exterior of the home. 
  • Removing the one-way exists once all bats have exited. 

Not only does exclusion effectively remove bats from the home, but it also prepares your home for effective bat prevention. Keeping entry points sealed, especially during seasons when bats are most active, is a great way to avoid future bad infestations.

Safe And Humane Bat Removal: Methods Employed By Professionals

Professional bat removal is the smartest choice for you and the bats. Pest control professionals have the equipment and training to safely remove bats from the home without leading to potentially dangerous encounters.

Meanwhile, you can relax knowing that your home will soon be bat-free. Looking for bat control in Rhode Island?

Give us a call or contact us through our website to learn more about our services.
