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Mastering Flea Control: Tips For A Flea-Free Massachusetts Home

flea in white fur

Mastering flea control in Massachusetts is simpler than you might think. By the end of this post, you’ll know the whys and how's of flea pest activity and understand the risks of letting them remain in your home. We will also bust the myth that fleas are only dangerous to pets. 

Fleas may start as an annoyance, but they can quickly become much more than that unless you take some key steps toward flea-proofing your home and your pets. 

So, let’s talk about the flea life cycle, the problems they cause, effective prevention strategies, and professional control. Thanks for joining us. 

The Flea Life Cycle: Understanding Their Stages

The flea life cycle is relatively simple. It has four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. A hatched flea only takes a few weeks to develop into an adult. From there, adult fleas can live for up to three months, though how long they live also depends on their ability to obtain food and find the right conditions for survival. 

As you probably already know, fleas drink blood to get vital nutrients, and they typically prefer animals over humans, though they will bite humans if no animals are nearby. 

However, the relatively short life cycle of fleas isn’t a solution to a flea problem. You can’t simply wait out a flea infestation, and that’s because fleas reproduce quickly. Unless you address the problem directly, you’re likely to see multiple generations of fleas over the span of a few months. 

The Hidden Dangers Of Fleas: Understanding The Hazards

Since fleas prefer to feed on animals, let’s start with the risks that fleas present to your pets. At a surface level, fleas can annoy your pets, causing constant itching. But beyond that, fleas can also spread parasites to your pets and even spread diseases like bartonellosis. 

Next, are fleas dangerous to humans? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Certain fleas can carry germs that, when spread to humans, can lead to the development of diseases such as Plague, Flea-borne typhus, and Cat scratch disease. 

Because fleas come in direct contact with the bloodstreams of their hosts, any encounter with fleas also represents a serious health risk for you and also for Fido. 

Effective Flea Prevention: Tips For A Flea-Free Home

Effective flea prevention is an ongoing process, though you should stay especially active in your flea prevention during the warmer months. We’ve gathered a list of important flea-prevention tips you can use immediately:

  • Restrict how much time your pets spend outdoors. 
  • Bathe your pets on a regular basis. 
  • Check your pets for fleas often. 
  • Don’t let your pets interact with stray or wild animals in the area. 
  • Vacuum your carpets and rugs often. 

If you’re noticing consistent flea problems with your pets, consult your vet for additional advice for avoiding flea problems in the future. 

Total Flea Elimination: Call The Pros Right Away!

For total flea elimination, flea control for your home is the only practical option. Prevention is key, but it’s little help to those who already have a flea problem in their homes. 

Fortunately, pest control providers know how to address flea problems at the source and can efficiently remove fleas from your home. Pest control providers are also an excellent resource for personalized flea prevention recommendations. Following professional flea control, you and your pets can rest easy and itch-free, and the neighborhood fleas will have to look elsewhere for their meals.   

Contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today for an effective flea removal service for your home.
