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How To Get Rid Of Ants In The House: What Everyone In Maine Ought To Know

ant in home eating crumbs

Ants might be tiny, but they can cause significant headaches for homeowners in Maine. From invading your kitchen to setting up colonies in your garden, these persistent insects are experts at finding their way into living spaces.

Understanding the types of ants prevalent in Maine and recognizing the potential health concerns and property damage they can cause is key. Seeking ant pest control services and implementing prevention strategies can help keep your home ant-free.

Types Of Ants: Understanding Common Ant Species

Here are a few tips for identifying the most common types of ants in Maine:

  • Carpenter ants are large, destructive ants that excavate wood to build nests, causing potential structural damage to homes and buildings.
  • Odorous house ants are dark brown to black and emit a foul smell when crushed.
  • Pavement ants are dark brown to black with parallel lines on their thorax. They're typically near pavements and foundations. While they nest outdoors, these ants enter buildings in search of food.
  • Pharaoh ants are small, yellow, or light brown in hue. They're commonly found in warm, humid indoor areas and can contaminate food and surfaces.
  • Thief ants are similar in size and color to pharaoh ants. What makes them different is their antenna, which has ten segments culminating in a two-segmented club. They're known for their scavenging behavior.

In Maine, most of these ants are simply a nuisance, but when some species invade, they can cause greater issues.

Ant Problems: Health Concerns And Property Damage

Ants not only contaminate food but can also pose health risks by transmitting bacteria. Pharaoh ants carry harmful bacteria on their bodies, contaminating food and surfaces they come into contact with, which can lead to the spread of illnesses such as salmonella and streptococcus.

Some ants are capable of causing significant property damage. Carpenter ants, for instance, tunnel through wood, weakening it over time and potentially leading to costly repairs. Promptly addressing ant infestations is essential to prevent these problems from escalating.

Expert Ant Control: Call Us At The First Sign Of Ants In The House

While DIY solutions can offer temporary relief, professional ant control is the most reliable way to eradicate infestations. Pest control experts in Maine have the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to identify the ant species, locate their nests, and implement targeted treatments. Calling professionals at the first sign of ants ensures swift action, preventing the infestation from spreading further and causing more damage.

Ant Prevention Tips: Keep Your Home Ant-Free

An ant-free home is as easy as keeping up with basic home maintenance. Here are some effective ant prevention tips to consider:

  • Inspect your home for cracks, gaps, and openings, sealing them with caulk. Pay special attention to windows, doors, and foundations.
  • Ants are attracted to food crumbs and spills. Keep your kitchen clean, store food in airtight containers, and promptly clean up spills to deny ants a food source.
  • Regularly empty your trash bins and ensure they have tight-fitting lids. Clean the containers to eliminate odors that can attract ants.
  • Trim trees, shrubs, and plants around your home. Branches touching the house can serve as highways for ants.
  • If you have firewood, store it away from your home. Ants often nest in firewood piles and can easily find their way inside your house.
  • Consider using natural ant repellents like cinnamon, vinegar, or lemon juice. 

Schedule regular pest inspections, especially if your home is prone to the odd ant infestation every year. Early detection can prevent major problems and get rid of ants.

For top-notch ant removal in Maine, choose Big Blue Bug Solutions. Our skilled technicians provide expert pest treatments, ensuring your home is ant-free. Trust us for professional, personalized care. Contact us today for lasting ant eradication.
