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Effective Tick Control Strategies: Keeping Your Rhode Island Property Safe

tick on skin

Rhode Island tick control is essential to protecting your property and safeguarding your health, and this guide will explain the crucial aspects of tick control and prevention. 

As you’ll soon see, ticks are especially good at getting what they want from their hosts, the nutrients found in human and animal blood. Evolution has turned them into skilled parasites. Despite being much bigger and smarter than ticks, the average person is still vulnerable to ticks and tick infestations. 

This article will walk you through the basics of tick behavior, tick-borne diseases, tick prevention, and professional tick control services to help resolve and stop tick problems before they even start. Let’s get started. 

An Introduction To Ticks: Understanding The Basics

Starting with the basics, what is a tick, and what does a tick look like? Well, ticks are tiny parasites that have a rounded shape and eight legs. As is the case with all parasites, ticks need hosts to survive. 

Ticks feed on the blood of their hosts for prolonged periods, which lets them progress through their life stages and simply continue living. Once a tick has attached itself to a host, it can be difficult to remove the tick, meaning it’s preferable to prevent tick encounters rather than having to remove them. 

Ticks are most common in wooded outdoor spaces, with tick eggs often laid in fallen leaves or undergrowth. These locations protect eggs and young ticks while keeping them hidden from hosts. Ticks also commonly affect pets since animals are much closer to the ground. 

Top Tick-Borne Diseases: Warning Signs To Watch For

The list of diseases caused by ticks is long, and it prominently features Lyme disease, a serious illness. Rather than trying to detail the effects of each tick-borne disease, we want to share some of the most common warning signs that many tick-borne diseases share. 

Symptoms of a tick-borne disease include fever, muscle aches, and a rash; this may sound crazy, but it’s possible to have a tick somewhere on your body and not even notice it. If you notice any of the above symptoms, search your body for signs of ticks. You should also consult with a doctor as soon as possible. 

Similarly, you should pay close attention to the health of your pets. If their health condition suddenly changes, take your pet to the vet right away. 

Tick Bite Prevention: Safeguarding Your Family And Pets

Wondering how to prevent ticks? Then you’re in the right place. We’ve compiled some of the most effective tick bite prevention techniques for keeping yourself, your family, and your pets safe. 

  • Avoid spending extended periods outdoors, especially in wooded areas. 
  • Keep your lawn trimmed short and mulch, or remove fallen leaves. 
  • When outdoors, wear long sleeves and long pants. You can also tick your pant legs into your socks for extra protection. 
  • When returning home after spending time outdoors, check yourself, family members, and pets for signs of ticks. 
  • Groom your pet often. 

Initially, ticks always come from outdoors, so avoiding bringing them indoors can avert serious tick problems. 

Professional Tick Control Services: Stress-Free And Effective

We recommend partnering with a pest control service in your area to get rid of ticks for good. You should also make sure that the company specifically offers tick control services. 

Professionals have every advantage when it comes to identifying, treating, and resolving tick problems in the home and the yard. Meanwhile, you can relax knowing that the issue is being resolved. 

For tick control near you, reach out to us here at Big Blue Bug Solutions right away. We’ll be happy to help. 
