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Connecticut Homeowners’ Handy Guide To Fly Control


Date Posted: January 14, 2022
Category: Flies

close up of a fly on a leaf

Having just one fly buzzing around your home can be super obnoxious. Flies are common pests in Connecticut, and while they are generally seen as annoying, they can also be dangerous to have around. It’s important not to underestimate the fact that many fly species can spread pathogens and illnesses to homes. Because these pests are both frustrating and potentially harmful, knowing how to keep flies in Connecticut out of your home is key.

What Do Flies Look Like?

There are a variety of fly species. Some of the most widespread are house flies and are known for carrying many diseases, including typhoid fever and salmonella. Then, there are fruit flies that are smaller and attracted to fruits and other sweet-smelling food items.

Flies can range in size and appearance, but they do share some characteristics. You can identify flies by their six legs, translucent wings, and oval-shaped bodies. 

Why Flies Fly Inside

Some flies are extremely small to the point that you will barely even notice them. Others are big enough that they can be nearly impossible to ignore when they are buzzing around. While they do range in size and shape, most flies are still small enough to fit through many small cracks and holes around a home. 

They can get in through broken or ripped screens or fly in through doors that have been left ajar. They can also slip through other entry points around doors and windows that haven’t been sealed.

The main reason why flies want to come indoors in the first place is access to food. Different fly species prefer different food items, but most aren’t all that picky. Many will consume proteins, sweets, pet food, and even rotting garbage and dead animals. They will often land on food preparation surfaces and any food items that are sitting out.

Once they do get inside, flies can be difficult to eradicate. Fly control is a challenge because they can reproduce so quickly, and they also seem to always evade attempts at being swatted.

Effective Fly Prevention Tips

The best approach to fly prevention is to remove the factors that attract them in the first place and to seal up entry points around the house. The following tips can help reduce your risk of flies invading your home:

  • Clean up around the yard. Remove leaf litter, decaying fruits and vegetables, animal droppings, and other organic debris.

  • Clear and trim excess foliage around the property.

  • Keep kitchens clean. Make sure to keep food stored in sealed containers and wipe down countertops and floors. Clean food and drink spills right away.

  • Take out the trash often. Also, get lids for all trash cans to keep flies from being attracted to the smell.

  • Reach out to residential pest control experts. 

Assistance With Fly Infestations In Connecticut

When flies are inside your house and you can’t seem to get rid of them, call the fly control professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions. With over 80 years of experience, we have the tools and expertise to handle the many different fly species in the area. Our skilled technicians will work with you to prevent and remove fly problems.

Learn more about residential pest control options and how to handle fly infestations by giving us a call today. We are also happy to help you set up an inspection.

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