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Carpenter Ants In Massachusetts: An Extensive Guide To Prevention And Control

ant in the wood

There are a lot of little bugs that like to invade homes here in Massachusetts. Most need a crack, gap, or hole to get inside. This is not the case for carpenter ants. These pests have the ability to create pathways into your home. If you have never taken a moment to consider the carpenter ants in Massachusetts and the damage they cause to local homes, here are some things you should know. Contact Big Blue Bug Solutions for help with an existing ant infestation on your property. We have comprehensive offerings for pest control in Massachusetts to meet your need.

Characteristics Of Carpenter Ants: A Guide To Accurate Identification

Lots of ants live here in Massachusetts, most look extremely similar and are hard to identify. This is not the case with carpenter ants. This pest is much larger than other common types of ants locally. It can grow to be up to ⅝” long. This bug also has a large head and mandibles which it used to chew through wood. Most local species are either red, black, or a combination of these colors. One popular way to identify these bugs indoors is with a professional pest inspection. Often times infestations are hidden behind walls, under floors, and deep inside structural wood. We will talk more in a bit about your options for carpenter ant control so that you can avoid damage to your home and property. 

Carpenter Ant Problems: Health Concerns And Structural Damage

Before we talk more about effective ant control for carpenter ants, let’s talk more about how these pests damage local properties. It all starts with a decision. Carpenter ants look for places where they can build their nests. They decide on locations based on access to softened wood. If your home’s wood has moisture damage near its base, these pests will be much more likely to chew their way indoors. As nests within homes grow, damage can become more and more severe. Thankfully, these pests do not consume the wood they tunnel through. They can, however, make your home a target for termites if you do not repair damage after dealing with an active infestation. Keeping this in mind, here is what we recommend to do if you have an active carpenter ant infestation

Professional Assistance: Vital To Total Carpenter Ant Control

It takes a lot of experience to understand ant control. It also takes expensive equipment and treatments to properly handle infestations locally. Our team at Big Blue Bug Solutions has taken the time needed to master pest control. We also have access to professional-grade options to handle carpenter ants and other destructive local species. All you need to do is invite us over. We will work out the details and help you find permanent freedom from any common pest that might mean you, your family, or your home harm.

Prevention Is Key: Tips To Prevent Carpenter Ants From Coming Back

Once you are certain carpenter ants are out of your home, your next step should be to find some way to keep these pests away in the future.

One option you have is DIY prevention. Here are some tips and tricks to consider.

  • Address moisture damage inside your home.
  • Fix leaky piping, fixtures, and other things that might lead to moisture damage.
  • Seal gaps, holes, and cracks around your home’s exterior foundation.
  • Keep your living areas clean and store food away in air-tight containers.

Contact Big Blue Bug Solutions to learn about our professional ant prevention and control and find a time to have your Massachusetts home treated for these pests.
