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Pest Spotlight: Are Earwigs Getting Inside Your Milford Home?

earwig on a white wall

Earwigs are small pests commonly found outdoors, but they can enter your home and become a real nuisance. Earwig infestations should not be taken lightly as they can contaminate food sources and chew through electrical wiring, causing other problems.

In the event that you find evidence of an earwig in your home, you will need to hire a Milford pest control professional like Big Blue Bug Solutions. We have the expertise to deal with all types of pests, including earwigs.

What Do Earwigs In Milford Look Like?

Earwigs are small, slender insects that have a notable physical feature: pincers on their abdomen. These pincers, also called "cerci," are generally larger on male earwigs and can be used for defense or mating rituals. Earwigs can range in color from brown to black and have long antennae. Overall, they typically measure about 1/2 inch to 1 inch in length. An earwig's life cycle is about one year in the wild.

When identifying an earwig bug, it is important to note that there are many other insects with pincers on their body, such as certain types of beetles. However, these insects do not have the same elongated body shape as an earwig and their pincers tend to be smaller in size. Proper identification is important to enable earwig control that will prevent any problems they may cause.

What Attracts Earwigs To Your Home?

Earwigs are attracted to a home for several reasons. One of the main attractors is moisture, so earwigs are often found in damp areas such as basements or near leaky pipes. They also tend to be drawn to food sources, including fruits and vegetables left out on counters or trash piles.

It is important to inspect your home for anything that attracts earwigs and take steps to remove them. Keeping earwig attractors away from your home's exterior can also help prevent earwigs from entering your home in the first place.

Six Myths About Earwigs

Earwig myths exist most likely due to the earwig's strange appearance and behavior. They are active at night and tend to hide in small, dark spaces during the day. Their pincers also give them a somewhat intimidating appearance. The following myths continue to persist, in spite of evidence to the contrary:

  1. Earwigs crawl into people's ears and lay eggs in their brains. This is not only untrue but also not possible.
  2. Earwigs are harmful pests that destroy plants and crops. They are actually beneficial to gardens.
  3. Earwigs can fly. They do have wings but cannot fly like some other insects.
  4. Earwigs are dangerous or aggressive toward humans. In reality, they will only attack if threatened.
  5. Earwigs can bite people. Their pincers, however, are too small and weak to break through human skin.
  6. Earwigs are poisonous. Earwigs have no venom, so an earwig pinch will have no side effects.

Although these myths continue to perpetuate false information, earwig insects can still be a nuisance even though they are harmless to people.

How To Keep Your Home Earwig Free

The best-guaranteed earwig treatment program in Milford is available from Big Blue Bug Solutions. We have been protecting homes from a variety of pests, including insects, rodents, and wildlife, throughout New England for more than 80 years. 

Our expert technicians will eliminate an earwig infestation in your home. They wear blue gloves and booties while performing services and don’t leave until your home is pest free.

Call us today for a free inspection and analysis of your earwig problem.
