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Tick Talk: Effective Prevention And Control Strategies For Your Maine Property

tick in dog ear

Ticks are some of the most problematic pests you'll find in your yard. They feed on humans and pets alike, and finding ways to keep them from taking up residence isn't just a good idea—it's essential if you want to protect your loved ones when they're outdoors. Though Maine tick control appointments will help, you still need to understand how ticks feed, breed, and infest your property so you can identify ways to keep them from coming back. Here's what you need to know.

The Life Cycle Of Ticks: A Comprehensive Overview

Ticks are arachnids and hatch from eggs. They start their lives as small six-legged larvae. These larvae must feed on blood from animals or humans to survive and continue growing. If they get enough food, the larvae will turn into nymphs resembling much smaller adult ticks. They have eight legs and will continue feeding on blood at this stage. As they feed and grow, ticks gradually evolve into the adults you commonly find on your pants or your pet's fur. 

Ticks don't live long by human standards but are relatively long-lived for pests. Most can survive for two to three years with enough food and adequate shelter. They'll breed and produce more ticks during their lifespan unless you stay on top of routine tick lawn treatments.

Tick-Borne Diseases: The Silent Threat Of Tick Bites

Ticks are known to carry diseases that they can transmit to both humans and animals through their bites. These diseases include the following:

  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Lyme disease
  • B. miyamotoi disease
  • Tularemia
  • Heartland virus
  • Bourbon virus
  • Southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI)

Though these diseases are manageable with proper medical care, they can impact your life and keep you from doing the things you enjoy most. The key to preventing a tick-borne disease is to schedule regular tick extermination appointments with an experienced exterminator. They'll be able to quickly identify the type of ticks you have and treat your property to deal with an active infestation.

Tick Prevention: Remedy Factors That Attract Ticks To Your Property

Though professional appointments are the best way to deal with an active infestation, you can do a few things to keep ticks from returning in the future. Here are a few proven tick prevention tips you can implement around your property:

  • Mow your grass often and keep it as short as you can.
  • Stay on top of routine weeding and remove excess growth and plant matter often.
  • Talk to your vet and get tick medication for your animals.
  • Wear long pants, sleeves, and closed-toed shoes when you're outside.
  • Build fences to keep wild animals out of your yard, as they can carry ticks onto your property.

As long as you follow these tips, you'll decrease the risk of ticks on your property. Keep in mind that you'll still want to schedule routine appointments with a trusted tick control service company to keep future infestations from happening.

Expert Tick Control Services: Keeping Your Property Tick-Free

The best way to keep your property tick-free is to schedule regular appointments with experienced tick control services in Maine. Professionals like those here at Big Blue Bug Solutions know how to assess the extent of an infestation and identify the best treatments to get rid of the ticks already on your property. 

If you think you have a tick problem anywhere on your property or just want an experienced professional to protect your yard from ticks, don't wait. At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we want you to feel safe in your yard. Contact us to schedule an appointment.
