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The Ultimate Guide To Fly Prevention: Effective Strategies For Your Connecticut Home

fly on fruit

Flies have become a year-round problem that many homeowners have to deal with. While these annoying insects are mostly a nuisance, they can still pose a threat to your home and your well-being. While professional fly control in Connecticut can help you protect your home, you must understand how to keep flies away from your house in the first place. Let's take a look at some of the key facts you need to know.

Unveiling the Mystery of Flies: How to Identify Different Fly Species

Though they're all annoying, there are many different fly species you need to be aware of. Here are some of the most common:

  • Blow flies are metallic green, blue, bronze, black, or purple and grow up to 1/4 of an inch long. They're more common outdoors but can come inside in search of food.
  • Cluster flies are dull gray with black markings and yellow hairs on their thorax that can give them a golden sheen in the right light. These flies grow up to half an inch and tend to stay on the sunny sides of your home or near windows. 
  • Drain flies have fuzzy bodies and wings and tend to have a moth-like appearance. They grow between 1/6 to 1/5 of an inch long. They stay near standing water and in your drains.
  • Fruit flies have black or gray abdomens and tan thoraxes and grow up to 1/8 of an inch in length. They love overripe and rotting food and often infest trash cans.
  • Horse flies are one of the largest species, growing between 3/8 and 1 1/8 inches long. They're typically gray or black and have large, stout bodies. They'll bite both humans and animals.
  • House flies are dark gray and grow between 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch in length. They have red compound eyes, making them stand out from other species, and have slightly hairy bodies. 

These species can all be found in Connecticut homes and should be dealt with by your local fly control team early on if you want to avoid a full infestation.

Health Risks Related To Fly Infestations: Protecting Your Well-Being

Most flies are nothing more than a nuisance, but some, like the horse fly and house fly, can risk your health and well-being. House flies, fruit flies, and blow flies can contaminate food and surfaces with pathogens they pick up as they feed. 

Horse fly bites are painful but relatively harmless to humans and common household pets. Drain flies and cluster flies may not pose a safety threat, but they can be annoying and cause an increase in stress anytime you're home. That's why routine home fly control is so important.

Creating A Fly-Free Environment: Tips And Strategies For Prevention

The best way to deal with flies is through professional fly pest control appointments, but there are a few things you can do to keep your home fly-free throughout the year. Here are a few tips to try:

  • Make sure your windows and doors seal completely when closed. 
  • Keep your home clean.
  • Take the trash out regularly.
  • Clean your drains and sinks often.
  • Store produce in airtight containers or in the fridge. 

Keep these tips in mind. When combined with treatments from an experienced fly exterminator, you'll easily keep your home fly-free.

Benefits Of Pro Pest Control For Fly Infestations: Why Hire Experts

Flies lay eggs and breed quickly; when they do, their populations can grow exponentially. That's why it's important to look for a company that provides professional home pest control in Connecticut the minute you think you have a problem. 

Professionals like those here at Big Blue Bug Solutions will be able to determine which types of flies you have on your property and use the right treatments to eliminate the problem. 

If you're worried about flies in your home, contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today and schedule an appointment with our experienced exterminators.
