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Southern Maine's Guide To Repelling Spiders

spider in the bathroom

Southern Maine is an idyllic place to live. There is beautiful scenery, and the sea breeze off the coastal waters adds an invigorating feeling to the air. Lobsters are plentiful, and the people are friendly and easygoing.

The spider population is one of the only things to bother the people living in this area. Southern Maine pest control for ants and spiders is a year-round task. Spiders like the safety and comforts that local homes offer them. Finding arachnids in attics, cellars, outbuildings, and any other dark corner is common.

What Do Spiders In Southern Maine Look Like?

Several species of spiders can be found in southern Maine. They all are arachnids and have eight legs. Still, some distinguishing marks and characteristics can help you identify them.

Some ways to tell apart common spiders in southern Maine homes:

  • Black widows have the telltale red hourglass on the underside of their abdomen.
  • Cellar spiders range from pale yellow to gray.
  • Daddy's long legs are small, with a body size of about half an inch, with long spindly legs.
  • House spiders are yellow-brown spiders with off-white abdomens and dark stripes.
  • Jumping spiders are black or grey with short legs and a squatty body.

Most people encounter house spiders or jumping spiders inside their homes. The most common place to find spiders is in dark recesses like the attic's corners, the cellar, and under furniture. Jumping and house spiders may frighten you, but they are not dangerous to humans.

While the black widow spider is feared for its venomous bite, it normally only bites out of self-defense. If you pick up a box one is living under and it feels threatened, it might bite you. Of course, you do not want to take the chance of scaring one badly enough to bite you.

The bites of these arachnids are painful, and they can cause you to run a fever, have increased blood pressure, sweat, and become nauseated. In rare occurrences, they require the bitten person to seek medical attention.

Prevention Is Key To Effective Spider Control

The most effective method of repelling spiders is to stop them from coming in. To keep spiders away, you need to use effective prevention techniques and keep a watchful eye. When you bring things inside from the storage shed or in used furniture, check to make sure no arachnids have come along for the ride.

Spiders are often an indication that you have an underlying pest problem in your home. Since spiders prey on other pests, including a variety of insects, they will follow their prey into your home in search of a steady source of food.

Five Easy Tips To Prevent Future Spider Problems

No one wants a house full of spiders. The following prevention tips will help discourage them from moving in with you:

  1. Reduce clutter to eliminate places where they can hide.
  2. Seal all small cracks and gaps on the exterior to block entry.
  3. Address other pest issues that could be attracting the spiders.
  4. Keep firewood stacked 20 feet from your home.
  5. Inspect every plant you bring inside for spiders or eggs.

The best way to eliminate spiders in your home is with professional pest control services. DIY treatments are often ineffective, as they do not target the arachnid species, and the products will not eliminate all of the spiders or the pests they prey on.

Total Spider Control For Southern Maine Homeowners

Although most spiders do not create a health hazard, they are unwanted guests and are hard to move out once they have moved in. All types of spiders come inside your home looking for food, and they stay because they are protected from the weather and their food source is easy to get to. Eliminating insects or other pests from your home can help spiders find your house unaccommodating.

If you see spiders in your southern Maine home, call Big Blue Bug Solutions and let our experienced technicians identify, remove, and repel future generations of spiders and the pests they prey on.
