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A Complete Guide To Wasp Control In South Portland

a wasp infestation

Stinging insects are feared by many across the country, and for good reason. Wasps, bees, yellow jackets, and hornets are present in most of the country, and South Portland is no exception. Encounters with these stinging insects are all too common in the area, which means you need to know about the best form of wasp pest control in South Portland.

Seeing one or two insects outside in your yard isn't generally cause for concern, but when you start seeing a lot of them, or they become a nuisance, then actions must be taken to remove them. Removal tactics for wasps are based on the specific types of wasps you are dealing with. Not all wasps sting and some species can be aggressive. They also build their nests in different locations according to the type of wasp they are.

How To Tell The Difference Between Bees, Wasps, And Hornets

There is much confusion when people see flying insects that could be of stinging variety. Hornets are actually a type of wasp, which often adds to the confusion.

Here are a few ways to tell the different types of stinging insects apart:

  • Wasps' bodies are longer and thinner.  
  • Bees have a fuzzy covering on their bodies.
  • Wasps and hornets may appear shiny.
  • Hornets are usually more aggressive than bees and other kinds of wasps.

These flying insects can be similar in color and appearance from a distance. When flying, it may be hard to discern one variety from another. Wasps are beneficial because they help to control the insect population as well as aid in pollination.

Wasp identification is best made when you find the nest. Yellow jackets tend to nest underground, paper wasps attach their nest to tree limbs, and hornet nests can be found in trees or your house's eaves. Do not touch a nest if you find one; the potential risk to your safety is too great.

The Problem With Wasps Hanging Around Your Yard

When you go outside and see wasps in your yard, this is not necessarily a bad thing. A few wasps are helpful because they eat insects and pollinate plants, but a large number of wasps is a potential danger. The larger nests are more likely to become aggressive and attack when you walk close to their nests.

You do not want an aggressive species of wasp keeping you from being able to go outside and enjoy your property. Wasp prevention is the main way to protect your family and pets from painful stings.

Five No-Nonsense Tips To Prevent Wasps

Wasps in South Portland will search your property looking for the best place to construct their nest. These insects like to nest in sheltered areas because they are protected from the weather, and the baby wasps stand a better chance of surviving.

Try the following five prevention tips to stop wasps from coming inside your South Portland home:

  1. Make sure that all windows, vents, and doors have screens.
  2. Check screens for any tears and repair tears quickly.
  3. Seal any cracks or gaps around doors, windows, air conditioners, etc.
  4. Keep doors and windows closed as much as you can.
  5. Seal all food in containers with lids that are tight.

These prevention tips will help reduce the chance of wasp infestations. You should also be mindful of what perfumes and scents you wear outdoors; do not wear sweet smells that will attract insects.

The Most Effective Way To Keep The Wasps Away

If you like to be outdoors, an encounter with wasps is likely. If your wasp encounters become frequent, or you start seeing them inside your home, then it is time to consider finding the nest and having it removed. Wasp removal is not something that homeowners should attempt on their own. You need a trained and equipped technician to remove the insects without being stung.

If you see a wasp nest or wasps are becoming a nuisance on your South Portland property, we can help! We have the skills and experience to remove the wasps and help you keep wasps away for good.

Reach out today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in South Portland.
