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Is Professional Bed Bug Control In Worcester The Answer?

bed bug crawling on skin

Many pests have the ability to disturb your sleep. Few are as good at this as bed bugs. Bed bugs love to bite people while they are asleep and can cause insomnia for residents in our area. If you would like to avoid restless nights and itchy bites, here are some things you should know about Worcester bed bugs. To skip right to professional bed bug control, call our team. At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we offer comprehensive local bed bug control options to help members of our community reclaim their good sleep. 

What Do You Need To Know About Bed Bugs?

There is a lot you should know about bed bugs. For one, did you know that these pests cannot live outdoors for extended periods? They rely on temperature-controlled homes and access to human blood to survive. How do bed bugs travel from home to home? By riding on items people carry. You are most likely to pick up bed bugs while traveling or sleeping in unfamiliar locations. You might also pick up these pests from the supermarket, movie theater, bus station, or other areas where people congregate. The final thing you should know about bed bugs is that they are attracted to residual carbon dioxide and heat. They use these things to find items that people have interacted with recently. They then use these items to hitchhike into homes.

Bed Bugs In Worcester Are Hard To Get Rid Of

Does your home currently have a bed bug infestation? Some ways to tell include checking your skin for bites, removing bed covers and looking for blood stains, and keeping your eye out for tiny reddish-brown bugs. Although sometimes easy to identify, bed bugs are not easy pests to control. They have a habit of hiding in hard-to-reach areas and are quick to avoid harmful chemicals and other threats to their life. Bed bugs are also able to survive for over a year without a blood meal. Unless you kill every bed bug invader, your infestation will reemerge. In our professional experience, the only way to effectively control bed bugs is to hire a pest control company. The question is, whom can you trust with your home?

Bed Bug Prevention Tips You Should Be Utilizing Daily

Before we talk about what kills bed bugs and how to get rid of bed bugs, let’s discuss what you should be doing to keep these pests out of your home. Here are a few simple prevention tips you should be utilizing daily.

  • When out of the house, do not place your backpack, bag, or other items down in public for more than 20 minutes.
  • Check hotel rooms for bed bugs before settling into them.
  • Store used clothing inside air-tight bags when you are away from home. Wash them on high heat after getting home.
  • Check used furniture and other similar items for bed bugs before purchasing them.
  • Tell your family and friends about bed bugs and encourage them to invest in an inspection of their homes if they think they might have a bed bug problem. 

The more vigilant you are, the less likely you will be to have trouble with these pests.

Call The Professionals To Keep Bed Bugs Away

The only way to effectively deal with a bed bug infestation here in Worcester is to hire a professional. At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we do not just control pests, we go above and beyond to make sure members of our community are taken care of.

Call now to learn more. We will walk you through what pest control in Worcester should look like and schedule a bed bug inspection for your home.
