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Should I Be Worried About Milford Termites?

close up of termite swarmers

Finding winged swarming termites on your Milford property is a shocking experience. Many homeowners confuse them with other flying insects and don't realize they indicate a potentially serious problem. Termites cause major damage to homes and infestations should be dealt with immediately.

Professional exterminators use highly effective solutions to prevent termites from destroying your home. This guide contains valuable information on termite swarmers and why Big Blue Bug Solutions is a trusted source of pest control in Milford.

What Do Termite Swarmers Look Like?

One of the biggest signs of termites on or near your property is encountering termite swarmers. Often mistaken for flying ants, termites will swarm or leave their colony to start a new one if it becomes overcrowded. Although they have wings, they don't fly for very long and tend to stay on the ground. The main differences between flying ants and termite swarmers are their bodies, wings, and antennae. A flying ant has a pinched waist, wings that vary in length, and bent antennae. Termite swarmers have straight bodies, uniform, symmetrical wings, and straight antennae.

There are two types of termites and both swarm. Subterranean termites nest underground and travel around in constructed mud tubes. They swarm during daylight hours in the spring and early summer. Drywood termites nest within wooden structures and swarm in the evening. If you see swarmers, there's a good chance you have a termite infestation in your home.

Termite Swarmers Could Be The First Warning Sign

If you see winged swarming termites on your Milford property, it could be a sign that your home has a serious termite problem. Here are some additional telltale signs of termites:

  • Damage under paint or wallpaper: This could look like bubbles, small holes, peeling, or discoloration. The damage is due to termites building their tunnels within your walls.
  • Discovering mud tubes: Subterranean termites build mud tubes to protect themselves from exposure to air, which could be deadly to them. These tubes typically start from the ground and look like narrow veins along the side of your home. In an active infestation, there will be live termites inside the tubes.
  • Termite frass: Termite droppings, or "frass," look like wood shavings. Frass is left by dry wood termites and is found close to their colonies.
  • Stuck doors or windows: Termites like to access homes around doorways and windows where wood is easily accessible. If you notice it's tough to open a door or a window, it could mean termites are feeding on the wooden framing.

It's important to schedule termite and pest control services as soon as you notice any of these signs. An untreated termite problem could cause severe structural damage to your home, resulting in costly repairs and renovations.

How Long Do Termite Swarms Last?

Although witnessing a termite swarm is overwhelming, most don't last longer than an hour. Most termite swarms are over within 30 to 40 minutes. They are attracted to light sources, so you'll notice them gathering around glass doors and bright windows.

If they don't find soil within a few hours, they die, so it is likely that you may have several dead insects inside your home after the swarm is over. They also discard their wings and leave them behind as they are traveling. A swarm is one of the major signs of termites that shouldn't be ignored. Contact an expert in termite and pest control immediately.

How Do You Get Rid Of Termite Swarmers?

The best way to get rid of termites is to contact an exterminator like Big Blue Bug Solutions. It is nearly impossible to eradicate these pests on your own since they are so invasive. Our technicians will perform a thorough inspection of your home to assess the infestation and come up with an effective treatment plan.

All of our termite services are backed by a one-year termite warranty which can even be transferred to a new homeowner if you sell your home.

Call us today to learn more about our services.
