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How To Keep Silverfish Away From Your South Portland Home

close up of silverfish

Silverfish are an annoying pest that invades many South Portland homes. They can be hard to eliminate because they are nocturnal, and you may not see them during the day. Silverfish are also small, extremely quick, and great at hiding in just about anything they can fit into. Although they aren't considered dangerous, these pests are relentless chewers and feed on many common household items. 

A silverfish infestation can cause significant damage if left untreated, resulting in expensive home renovations. Many of the recommended home remedies for silverfish don't completely get rid of these pests. This guide contains valuable information about silverfish, the damage they cause, and why Big Blue Bug Solutions is a trusted source of pest control in South Portland.

Are These Silverfish?

Getting rid of silverfish depends first and foremost on proper identification. Silverfish are elongated oval-shaped insects with six legs and two antennae. They are either a silver or brown color and get their name from their shiny, scaly appearance. These bugs do not have wings but are very fast. Their average length is ¾ of an inch. 

Silverfish are one of the oldest known household pests. They are also most commonly mistaken for centipedes. After two years, these bugs reach adult maturity, living as long as eight in the right environment. After reaching adulthood, a female silverfish can lay up to twenty eggs a day. 

Where Do Silverfish Hide?

Silverfish prefer moist, humid places and are commonly found in attics, basements, and bathrooms. Here are several other places where these pests may be hiding:

  • Bedroom closets
  • Bookcases
  • Water heater closets
  • Garages
  • Sinks and showers
  • Under piles of cardboard
  • Pantry 
  • Behind wallpaper
  • Framed or mounted items

Sugars, natural fibers, and starches are the primary food source of silverfish. This not only includes food, but also glue, clothing fibers like linen, and even hair. One of the telltale signs of a silverfish infestation is finding feeding marks on surfaces around your home. They could look like holes or notches. Silverfish feces leave yellow stains and also markings that look like black pepper. If you suspect these insects are invading your home, it may be time to call for professional extermination services.

Silverfish Can Be Causing Real Damage

Silverfish are considered a nuisance pest, but they can cause significant problems. Here is a list of ways silverfish damage your home.

  • Damage to belongings: Silverfish feed on many different items, and will chew through items like books, clothing, wall hangings, and more.
  • Food contamination: These pests are able to chew through food packaging, where they then contaminate food. They prefer sugar, flour, and cereal, so keep these foods in airtight containers.
  • Water damage: The holes formed by chewing silverfish allow moisture to seep through. Areas near pipes are the most vulnerable.
  • Allergies: Silverfish shed their scales as they grow. These skins can trigger allergic reactions in members of your household.
  • Additional pests: Insects like earwigs and centipedes feed on silverfish. A silverfish infestation may invite these bugs in.

The best way to get rid of silverfish is to rely on professional pest control services, such as those from Big Blue Bug Solutions.

How To Keep Silverfish Out Of Your Home For Good

Many homeowners try to tackle pest problems with do-it-yourself solutions that ultimately fail. Getting rid of silverfish is frustrating, but rest assured that today's professional extermination methods are extremely effective. Big Blue Bug Solutions has over 80 years of pest control experience. Our wide range of services are environmentally friendly, and safe for your family and pets. Call us today to learn more about how we can make your home silverfish-free.
