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Are There Earwigs In Milford?

an earwig on a leaf

Earwigs are some of the most misunderstood pest animals around Milford (and just about everywhere else). One of the most pervasive myths about them—that they lay eggs in your ear—is just ridiculous. But people also believe other misconceptions about earwigs, like that they sting, spread disease, or destroy property. Even though earwigs are actually pretty harmless, you still don’t want a houseful of these creepy bugs.

Below, we’ll discuss the truth about these critters and go over some things you can do to avoid an earwig infestation, as well as explain why Big Blue Bug Solutions is the company to call if faced with these invaders.

What Do Earwigs In Milford Look Like?

Earwigs are an order of insects that vary in size between 1/4 of an inch to a full inch. They have long, flat bodies, divided into several visible sections. Earwigs can appear light brown to almost black. Probably the most notable earwig feature is their pincers. Earwigs have a pair of pincers or forceps protruding from the rear of their abdomens. They use these pincers to capture prey and to fight against other earwigs for mates and territory. Although earwigs can pinch people, an earwig pinch is rarely a cause for concern.

What Attracts Earwigs To Your Milford Home?

Earwigs have two basic needs: warmth and moisture. Since they eat decaying plant matter and the insects that live in it, earwigs typically get their warmth and moisture from rotting logs, piles of tree litter, and other sites of decaying vegetation. That’s why getting rid of things such as big leaf piles or mulched grass is a central part of earwig control. Moreover, earwigs are nocturnal and attracted to bright lights. Homes with outdoor lights or indoor lights that can be seen from outside will draw in earwigs.

5 Myths About Earwigs

  1.  Earwigs In Your Ear: The most pervasive myth about earwigs is they crawl in your ear. This is a Medieval European wives’ tale. You’ll never get an earwig in your ear. This myth probably comes from the fact that earwigs like to hide in warm, moist places. But these places include rotten logs and piles of leaves—not your ear.
  2. Earwigs Bite: Earwigs have pincers on their rear ends. What most people think is an earwig bite is instead an earwig pinch. Luckily, an earwig pinch is not strong enough to hurt, much less break the skin.
  3. Earwigs Spread Disease:  Unlike cockroaches, certain types of ants, and many other pests, earwigs don’t serve as vectors for bacteria or viruses. They generally will not make you sick. 
  4. Earwigs Damage Plants: This one is half-true. Earwigs may chew on living plants if they have nothing else to eat, but they prefer dead and decaying plant matter instead. Earwigs can often help plants by preying on common garden pests like aphids and grubs.
  5. Earwigs Eat Trash: Again, this one is partially true. Being omnivores, earwigs will eat whatever they find. However, earwigs do not prefer garbage and are not attracted to garbage. The leaf litter from the trees in your yard is more likely to have earwigs in it than your garbage can. 

How To Keep Your Milford Home Earwig Free

The main steps for earwig control are to make your home unattractive and tough to enter: 

  • Keep your outdoor lights low and use blinds to keep indoor lights indoors.
  • Get rid of decaying plant matter near your house. 
  • Fix moisture issues like poor drainage or leaks.
  • Seal up cracks and holes in your home’s exterior. 

If you wind up with an earwig infestation, the best thing to do is call in the experts. Here at Big Blue Bug Solutions, we’ve got the knowledge and experience to deal with all local earwig species, so you don’t have to. Give us a call or visit our contact page to get started!
