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Woodchucks In Connecticut Can Be Dangerous!


Property damage is expensive and frustrating to repair, especially when wildlife pests such as woodchucks are involved. Woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, aren't aggressive animals, but they will attack if they feel threatened, and they aren't immune to rabies either. Woodchuck attacks are rare, but the damage they cause to homes and properties in Connecticut is hazardous to be around. Wildlife management and prevention are crucial if you want to keep your family safe this year.

How To Tell If This Is A Woodchuck?

Woodchucks are large rodents that range between 13 to 27 inches in total length and weigh roughly four to 13 pounds. They look strikingly similar to beavers in size and appearance but lack the flat, leathery tail that makes them unique from woodchucks. They have brown fur with flecks of gray, white, and light brown, and they also have strong incisors that they use to chew through dense materials.

Five Things You Didn't Know About Woodchucks

While woodchucks are awful pests in residential areas, they're still fascinating creatures. Here are some interesting facts about woodchucks that you might not know about:

  • Woodchucks are members of the squirrel family and are essentially considered ground squirrels. They're also adept climbers!
  • Like bears, woodchucks hibernate for the winter! They eat as much as they can during spring and summer, then hibernate for up to five months to survive the winter.
  • In 1955, a woodchuck burrow led to the discovery of the first known human habitation in North America! A man named Albert Miller discovered ancient artifacts in this iconic woodchuck burrow, which radiocarbon dating later confirmed were over 19,000 years old.
  • Woodchucks are impressive excavators! These rodents can move three tons of dirt to construct their burrows, which extend up to 50 feet long with multiple levels, exits, and rooms.
  • Their dens promote biodiversity. Abandoned woodchuck dens provide shelter for all kinds of wildlife – coyotes, foxes, rabbits, river otters, and skunks are just a few of the animals that benefit from woodchuck dens.

Woodchucks contribute to our ecosystem in many different ways, but they shouldn't be welcome around your Connecticut property. They're dangerous pests that inflict extensive damage around neighborhoods, so if you have a woodchuck problem on your property, then you need immediate professional wildlife removal services.

The Dangers Woodchucks Can Cause

There's a reason wildlife experts encourage homeowners to hire local wildlife removal services for woodchucks. If they get too comfortable around your Connecticut property, they'll cause some severe damage:

  • Broken pipes
  • Sunken foundation
  • Destroyed gardens
  • Damaged fences
  • Dips and holes in lawns
  • Damaged electrical wires
  • Unstable driveways

Woodchucks create extensive amounts of damage in just a short amount of time that are costly to repair, so if you have an infestation on your property, then you need to find effective wildlife management services as soon as possible.

Woodchuck Trapping And Removal In Connecticut

While woodchucks are more likely to flee than engage in a brawl, they're still wild animals that will fight tooth and nail to survive. Attempting wildlife trapping on your own is dangerous for both you and your pest, and even though they've been wreaking havoc on your property, they're still beneficial to the environment. The safest way to solve your wildlife pest problems is with our reliable Connecticut pest control services at Big Blue Bug Solutions.

All wildlife infestations are different, which is why we offer a wide range of wildlife treatment options. We assess each infestation thoroughly to determine the best course of action for your pest problems, we keep you informed on every step we take, and we don't stop until the job is done. We guarantee each treatment we provide, so if you're not satisfied with our services, then neither are we! We'll continue to treat your property until your pest problems are solved. So get in contact with us today to learn more about our wildlife control services.