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Everything A Milford Resident Should Know About Flea Control

dog bringing fleas into a home

Our pets always seem to know how to make dark days so much brighter, so the least we can do for them is keep our homes protected from fleas. That might not be as easy as it sounds, though, especially if your pets go outside regularly. Fleas are dangerous pests that will infest any area where wildlife is active, so you need to know how to keep your home and pets safe from an infestation.

Types, Facts, And How To Identify

Two types of fleas infest homes in Milford – the cat flea and the dog flea. They're practically indistinguishable without a microscope, but cat fleas are more versatile than dog fleas, so they're much more likely to infest your home. Fleas are roughly 1/8 of an inch in length, dark brown to black, and have six legs. One interesting fact about fleas is that they can jump distances up to 13 inches, but unfortunately for them, jumping isn't a reliable form of travel.

A more distressing fact about fleas is that they're vectors for disease. Like most parasites, fleas pick up dangerous pathogens from hosts and transmit them to others while they feed:

  • Tularemia
  • Cat scratch fever
  • Plague
  • Tungiasis
  • Typhus
  • Intestinal parasites
  • Flea-borne spotted fever

Flea-borne diseases don't transmit from parent to egg, so not all fleas are carriers, but it's impossible to tell if a flea is infected. If you have a flea infestation in your home, you need reliable Milford pest control.

The Life Cycle Of A Common Flea

Fleas don't jump out of their eggs as fully-formed adults; they go through a few changes before they become the blood-sucking monsters we all love to hate. Flea life cycles start as tiny eggs, then hatch as flea larvae. Flea larvae are pale white and a little more than 1/8 of an inch long, but since they burrow into fur and carpeting after they hatch, it's rare to see them. After they have their fill of flea dirt, which is essentially excrement, the larvae spin cocoons and enter the pupae stage, where they lie in wait for necessary circumstances to hatch. Adult fleas emerge from their cocoons once environmental conditions are just right, searching for their first blood meal.

Three Reasons Fleas Are So Hard To Eliminate

Set down your homemade flea killer – it's time to learn why DIY extermination methods don't work.

Flea infestations are tough to eliminate for many reasons, and these are just a few examples of why:

  1. Fleas are prolific breeders. Female fleas lay up to 50 eggs each day!
  2. Flea pupae can lay dormant for up to nine months. Adult fleas emerge from their cocoons when a potential host is nearby, which they detect through rises in heat, carbon dioxide, and vibrations from movement.
  3. Flea eggs and pupae are resistant to pesticides. Most treatments are effective for up to six weeks, but since pupae lay dormant for long periods, infestations often re-emerge after a few months.

These pests hide in difficult-to-reach places as well, so eliminating a flea infestation takes a lot of training and special equipment that most homeowners don't have. The best way to get rid of fleas is with professional assistance from your local pest control company.

Control, Extermination, And Prevention Of Fleas

Fleas don't give up without a fight, so you have to know how to hit hard to get rid of an infestation. Luckily, our pest professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions are experts at handling flea problems. We always use the highest quality pest control products and methods in our treatments, which is why we've been in business for over 80 years. We take care of our customers like family, provide affordable treatment plans, and guarantee every service that we offer. So don't hesitate to get in touch with us today and let us handle your pest problems for you.
