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Fleas In Milford Can Be A Real Problem To Deal With Alone

up close image of a flea on white pet fur

Every pet owner is going to encounter fleas in the house. These tiny parasites feed on warm-blooded animals, and their bites can transmit disease. Since they can be transported into the yard by raccoons or skunks, non-pet owners are also not exempt from an infestation of fleas.

If you have seen fleas on your household pet or are suffering from flea bites while outside, call the Milford pest control experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions.

Fleas: Facts and Identification

Despite their small size, fleas are visible to the naked eye.

The following are ways to identify fleas:

  • Size: 1/12 to 1/6 inch
  • Color: Dark red or brown
  • Shape: Flat
  • Antennae: Two
  • Legs: Six
  • Wings: None

Adult fleas live up to 100 days, during which time a female flea can produce almost 2,000 offspring! They cannot fly, but their powerful legs enable them to jump up to eight inches vertically. Fleas feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals and humans and, in a day, may eat up to 15 times their body weight. Although they typically do not jump from one pet to another, fleas move by hitchhiking on pets and rodents.

Do Fleas Die Without A Host?

Compared to other insects, a flea can live for a long time without a host. Several factors that affect the lifespan of fleas include temperature, humidity, the stage of the flea's development, and the availability of a host. These external parasites eat human blood, but they prefer warm-blooded animals to survive. They also need blood to populate because blood is essential for a female flea to reproduce.

Fleas do not need blood during the various stages of development. When a new adult emerges from its pupae stage in a cocoon, it can live several months without blood as it waits for its first host. However, once an adult flea finds a host, it will die in two weeks or less if separated from its host.

Is It True That Fleas Burrow Under Skin?

The type of flea that burrows under the skin are the chigoe flea. This type of flea, also known as a jigger or sand flea, is not found in the United States. Fleas found in the States do not burrow under the skin; instead, they bite their hosts.

Flea bites from a flea differ from mosquito bites in that they remain small and appear in groups of three or four; they may also be in a straight line. The itchy, red, painful bumps caused by a flea bite will have a "halo" at the center of the bite. Flea bites on humans are generally found on the ankles, waist, groin, armpits, legs, and in the folds of elbows and knees.

Don't Let Fleas Take Over Your Home

Once fleas get into your home, it is a battle to get rid of fleas in your house without professional help. If you have fleas in your Milford house, here are a few steps for flea control you can take to help reduce fleas in your home:

  • Treat pets with flea shampoos and comb through their fur to remove the fleas.
  • Vacuum the house frequently.
  • Wash bed linens in hot water and dry in high heat. 
  • Mow the yard and keep the grass at a short length.
  • Remove any rodent attractions such as overgrown shrubs. 

Due to their long lifecycle, it takes time to remove fleas from the house, but you can accomplish this with the expertise and tools of the team at Big Blue Bug Solutions. We will work with you to eliminate the fleas in your Milford home. Reach out to us and stop itching from flea bites.
