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What You Need To Know To Keep Fleas Out Of Your Connecticut Home

a flea under a magnifying glass

You love your pets. You spend countless hours with them. Going on walks, playing ball, or having a cozy snuggle with them are some of the simple pleasures of being a pet owner. However, sometimes these beloved companions can pick up some nasty little passengers in their travels.  

The flea does not discriminate and very well could choose your family pet to hitch a ride into your Connecticut home. Read on to learn more about fleas and how Big Blue Bug Solutions can free your property and pets of these vermin.

How To Tell If It’s Fleas In Your Connecticut Home

Fleas are tiny parasites, averaging around 1/8 of an inch in size, and are black, red, or brown. The most common flea species is the cat flea. Cat fleas feed on warm-blooded animals and, contrary to their name, do not exclusively feast on cats; dogs, and sometimes humans, are also targets of the cat flea. Below are some clear signs fleas have hitchhiked into your home:

  • Sudden fur loss in pets.
  • Finding multiple welts or red-dotted spots on the skin of your pet, as well as your own.
  • Your pet scratches or licks its fur aggressively and more often.
  • Encountering flea dirt—reddish-brown specks that are flea feces—on the skin of your pet.
  • Finding flea eggs hidden in carpets.

If you experience or notice any of these signs, your property may be harboring a flea infestation. It is important to act fast after recognizing these signs to avoid prolonging the damage an infestation can cause to your pet and property.

The Dangers Of Fleas In Your Connecticut Home

It is difficult to get rid of fleas once they infest your Connecticut home. 

A female flea can lay over 2000 eggs in her lifetime, hiding its eggs in secure areas, such as within cracks in floors, onto carpet fibers, and in furniture. Moreover, there are also other health hazards and flea diseases that come with an infestation, including:

  • Bubonic plague (yes, it’s still around)
  • Murine typhus
  • Tapeworm in pets
  • Anemia in pets
  • Flea allergy dermatitis in pets
  • Allergic reactions in humans

The plague alone is reason enough to want to prevent a flea infestation from starting under your roof. When owning pets, it is a top priority to keep fleas out of your home.

Why Fleas Come Into Homes

Fleas are freeloaders, and there are several ways they manage to enter your home:

  • Latching onto cats, dogs, or any other pet.
  • Hitching a ride on someone's shoes or pants.
  • Hiding in blankets or other objects brought into a property from outside.
  • Jumping in through a window or door that leads into the property.

Fleas are always in search of food and warmth, and a warm-blooded host has both. Getting rid of them is a challenge, and flea removal from a professional service is often the best approach.

How To Get Rid Of Fleas And Keep Them Out

Your Connecticut home is your sanctuary, and fleas are parasites that do not belong. Protect your family and pets to the fullest by enlisting the help of Big Blue Bug Solutions. With over 80 years of experience in pest removal, we will provide an effective, reliable solution to your flea problem. Give us a call today and let our experts clear those pests out once and for all.
