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Keep Pantry Pests Out Of Your Milford Home For Good

pantry moths in a kitchen on food

To keep your Milford home protected, you must have recurrent pest remediation. This should be the case even if you don’t see insects and creatures around. Believe it or not, many can get indoors and rapidly procreate without being spotted. Critters can be rather ruinous to personal belongings and property, so you can’t allow them to sneak up on you. In addition, they might introduce illnesses. Pantry moths, for instance, spoil food and make it inedible.

Indian meal moths are some of the most common pantry pests in existence. Since they usually aren’t detected right away, the bugs can cause many issues. Indian meal moth health risks are nothing short of crucial. You have to stay ahead of these insects. Find out how to get rid of Indian meal moths now. Big Blue Bug Solutions can help with prevention and Indian meal moth larvae control.

What Do Pantry Moths In Milford Look Like? 

Once more, catching Indian meal moths with your naked eye isn’t easy. These critters are just 0.37 of an inch long. If you notice them, you can tell them apart from fellow moths by looking at their 0.62 of an inch wingspan. It’s gray, with a bronze or brown bottom tint. Being drawn to low lighting and flying to different rooms separates them from fabric pests. Indian meal moth larvae control is a pivotal aspect of deterrence, as the young are what feed on items. Larvae have brown heads and skin that is pink, cream, or yellow-green. 

How Do Indian Meal Moths Get Into Milford Homes?

More often than not, Indian meal moths get into homes by way of groceries. They’ll violate the packaging in food factories on the distribution line. Humidity is highly conducive to their mating rituals and egg creation. When larvae hatch, they will nourish themselves with: 

  • Dry goods
  • Pet fare 
  • Spices
  • Flour
  • Grains
  • Rice
  • Fruit

Indian meal moth health risks stem from the fecal waste and webbing these pests release in food parcels. Subsequently, contamination, mold cultivation, and flavor changes are likely to occur. Don’t think twice about tossing all items the bugs have entered. Thankfully, you won’t have to worry about diseases and parasites. An infestation is apparent if you discover Indian meal moths or their larvae.

Effective Pantry Moth Prevention Tips For Milford Homes

Given how pantry pests operate, you can’t procrastinate with Indian meal moth preventionIt may seem impossible, but there are ways you can ward the critters off. An Indian meal moth home remedy isn’t a viable option, though, nor are store insecticides. They aren’t designed for infestations, and they could be dangerous to use. If you want to know how to get rid of Indian meal moths, take these steps:

  • Wipe out and sanitize the interiors of your cabinets and pantries often. Don’t leave any items behind. 
  • Scan your meal packages and boxes frequently. Remove things that are expired, tattered, punctured, or overrun by moths. The same goes for pet food.
  • Inspect grocery goods before buying them.    
  • Patch up holes in foundations, ceilings, appliances.
  • Use airtight plastic or glass containers to store food.

The Trick To Total Pantry Pest Control In Milford

Again, an Indian meal moth home remedy or commercial product won’t do you justice. For safe and powerful solutions, reach out to us at Big Blue Bug Solutions. Our comprehensive industrial-grade home pest control treatments are specially-formulated and won’t harm people, domestic animals, or vegetation. We’ve been in business for over 80 years, and our staff consists of fully licensed and insured technicians. They'll be able to inform you about Indian meal moth prevention and more. Agents can answer your calls all day, every day! Give us a ring!
