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How To Keep The Fruit Flies In Connecticut At Bay

fruit flies in a home on a piece of fruit

There are so many different species of flies and flying insects, and they’re all annoying. It seems they’re determined to buzz near your head or food. Unfortunately, the problems they bring don’t stop there. Common types of flies in Connecticut can damage buildings, garbage cans, and cars. If they get indoors, they might ruin personal belongings. Many can hurt you with stings and bites or cause illness with germs. Fruit flies, for instance, are a big problem.

Since fruit flies are rampant, people assume they’re harmless. This is far from the case, though; they’re dangerous. It’s essential to understand how they function, what the risks are, and what is required to get rid of fruit flies. Big Blue Bug Solutions can be of assistance.

How To Tell If It's Fruit Flies In Your Connecticut Home

While different species of flies exist, several are similar in appearance. The first thing to look for with fruit flies is size. These bugs are incredibly tiny, 0.12 to 0.15 of an inch long. Most have red eyes; only a small percentage have black ones like gnats. In terms of shading, their skin is black on the top and gray on the bottom. Their thorax is tan. However, lots of these bugs are brown or yellow. Hairs are along their antennae, and their wings are translucent. Their larvae are visually similar to white worms and have black mouthparts.

Fruit flies in the house or an establishment typically come through doors and windows that are left open. Alternatively, folks might accidentally carry them in with impacted fruit filled with eggs and larvae. On their own, they will huddle around fermented or sugary liquids, vegetables, and, as you’d imagine, fruit. Garbage disposals and trash cans are attractive to them as well. Water is vital to their reproduction, so you can expect to see a swarm of flies by buckets, sinks, and drains. That said, these pests will predominantly be in kitchens. Outdoors, they’ll gather close to eating areas and gardens. 

Additional facts about fruit flies are:

  • Summer and fall are their peak seasons.
  • They can lay several eggs in the week that they live.  
  • Key infestation signs are noticing larvae and adult flies.

Is It Safe To Eat Something A Fruit Fly Has Landed On In Connecticut?

Unsanitary spaces magnetize fruit flies due to the abundance of damp and decaying matter. Dumpsters and landfills are examples. The pests will collect parasites, microorganisms, and bacteria. When they crawl on your food and surfaces, they will undoubtedly contaminate it. You or someone else could develop food poisoning, diseases, or pathogens. Therefore, it’s recommended that you discard the fare affected by fruit flies.

Fruit Fly Prevention Tips For Connecticut Homes

A swarm of flies must not be tolerated; the health threats are too great. Don’t think that these pests will go away on their own. Retail bug spray for flies isn’t enough to eliminate an infestation. To get rid of fruit flies, perform these tasks: 

  • Store food and trash in airtight canisters.   
  • Remove garbage often, and sanitize the containers.
  • Wash dishcloths of food frequently. 
  • Rinse drains, sinks, and garbage disposals regularly. 
  • Examine fruits and vegetables before purchase, and promptly place them in the refrigerator. 
  • Clean kitchens, dishes, and outdoor eating zones routinely. 
  • Patch up holes in foundations and window screens.

The Best Fly Control For Your Connecticut Home

Fruit flies in the house are trouble, and commercial products aren’t the answer. Bug spray for flies can be pricey and hazardous. Big Blue Bug Solutions has safe, industrial-grade home pest control treatments for common types of flies. Phone agents can answer every day, around the clock! Call us today!
