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Tips And Tricks To Prevent Squirrels In Southern Maine

squirrel on ground eating

A surprisingly high number of American households experience rodent intrusions. A National Pest Management Association (N.P.M.A.) survey showed that more than 1/3 of respondents saw a rodent in their home over the past 12 months. Squirrels are a type of rodent that exists throughout Maine, particularly in areas with trees, including many residential areas. 

While squirrels ordinarily remain in natural outdoor settings, they may enter homes or businesses when points of entry exist. As with all creatures that belong to the order Rodentia, squirrels constantly chew on things using their overgrown incisors (front teeth). This habit of gnawing on objects might prove problematic for local property owners when the target is wiring found in the home. 

Because of their good climbing skills, squirrels often choose or create entry points in the upper areas of a home by widening holes in the fascia, gutter systems, or other roofline areas. A squirrel’s teeth are strong enough to damage weak covers over vents. 

Are you in need of professional pest control for squirrels? Reacting to intrusions quickly is important. Contact an experienced Southern Maine pest control company that understands how to control squirrels and the best preventative squirrel control methods. 

The Types Of Squirrels That Hang Around Yards

The most common types of squirrels found in Maine include the eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), red squirrels or American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), and flying squirrels (Glaucomys spp.). 

What are flying squirrels? In Maine, the two subcategories include the northern flying squirrel and the southern flying squirrel, which often live in birdhouses or voids in trees. They actually glide rather than fly using their large “wing-like” flaps.  

The eastern gray squirrel has a long, bushy tail and usually appears gray with a lighter-colored belly; however, a small number are a solid black color. Red squirrels are a reddish-brown color with a bushy tail. As an often-vocal species, red squirrels emit a call sometimes referred to as a “scolding” or “rattle” sound.

The Diseases Squirrels Are Capable Of Spreading

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C.D.C.) lists squirrels as one type of mammal that might carry the Monkeypox virus. Squirrel activity often contributes to and furthers water damage, which may promote harmful mold growth and attract termites. Squirrels often carry fleas, ticks, and other ectoparasites with them that pose health risks such as Lyme disease and tularemia. 

Squirrels might also pose other safety concerns. For example, squirrels might chew on electrical wiring inside your home, which could result in a fire. They may also leave trails of urine and excrement in the house, which may contribute to poor indoor air quality and result in costly repairs. That’s why we recommend squirrel control in Southern Maine.

Effective Squirrel Prevention Tips

Are you wondering how to prevent squirrels from entering your home? There are some fundamental best practices that homeowners should consider, including: 

  • Keep tree branches, shrubs, and other large or overhanging vegetation trimmed back away from the structure. 
  • Chimneys should have a durable, tightly-fitting cap or cover. 
  • Remove birdfeeders or reposition them farther away from the home’s exterior. 
  • Install wire or mesh over garden beds that will limit squirrel access, as these critters may consume planted seeds or types of fruit or vegetables. 

Local homeowners that find themselves facing an intrusion involving squirrels often try taking matters into their own hands by purchasing do-it-yourself home pest control products. In many instances, these efforts prove unsuccessful because they often represent rather general remedies to problems that might require a more customized approach. 

Wildlife Control Made Easy For Southern Maine Homeowners

In addition to having expertise in controlling squirrels, the experienced professionals with Big Blue Bug Solutions also assist local residents with bed bugs, carpenter ants, ticks, and various types of wildlife. Contact us today regarding an inspection.
