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Tackling A Bee Infestation In Worcester

bee up close on flower

Saying bees are essential is an understatement. They're responsible for pollinating 70 of the 100 crop species that feed 90 percent of the world. That's a lot of pressure for such a small creature. With all they do for us, it's no surprise that we want to protect them.

Unfortunately, bees aren't always easy to keep around. They're dangerous when they feel threatened and can sting. If you're allergic to bee venom, a sting could be fatal.

If you have bees on your property and don't know how to remove them, pest control in Worcester can help. Trained professionals will assess the situation and safely remove the bees for you.

What Types Of Bees Are In Worcester?

Before we look at how to control Africanized honey bees or any other type of bee in Worcester, it helps to understand which bees are in the area.

The most common species include:

  • Bumblebees: These bees are larger than other types and range in color from yellow to black. They live in small colonies and make a buzzing noise when they fly.
  • Carpenter bees: Carpenter bees are black and resemble bumblebees but don't have as much hair on their bodies. They get their name from drilling holes into wood.
  • Honey bees: These bees are smaller than bumblebees and range in color from light brown to dark amber. They live in large colonies and are known for producing honey.
  • Africanized honey bees: These are a hybrid of European and African honey bees. They're larger and more aggressive than other types of honeybees.

While carpenters and honeybees are the ones you're most likely to see, bumblebees and Africanized honeybees are the ones that pose the biggest threat. If you see any of these bees on your property, call bee pest control near you.

We know how to control carpenter bees in Worcester as well as Africanized honey bees and other types of bees.

Is It True That Bees Can Only Sting Once?

Many bees can only sting once as they die after that first sting. Africanized honey bees are an exception to this rule as they can sting multiple times. This is one of the reasons why these bees are so dangerous. They're more likely to attack when they feel threatened, and their stings are more painful than other bees.

If you're ever stung by a bee, remove the stinger as soon as possible. Bees will sometimes leave their stingers on their victim, so call 911 if you're stung by one of these bees and begin to have an allergic reaction. Also, don't forget to contact a bee pest control company that can help you get rid of the bees on your property. They know how to control bees in your backyard.

What's The Best Way To Remove Bees?

Should you come across a beehive on your property, don't attempt to remove it on your own. This is a job for professionals as we have the proper equipment and training to do so safely.

Allergic reactions to bee stings can lead to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition. So, this isn't a do-it-yourself job despite what the "how to control bees at home" tutorials might say.

Pest control contractors will use various methods to remove bees from your property. This includes traps and bee removal tools. They'll also work to determine the root cause of the problem and take steps to prevent bees from returning.

Is There A Way To Deter Bees?

If you're wondering how to control honey bees in your home, there are a few things you can do to deter them, including:

  • Keeping food and trash covered
  • Repairing any cracks or holes in your home
  • Eliminating standing water
  • Not wearing perfume when outside

While these steps won't guarantee that bees won't come near your property, they may help to deter them.

If you have a bee problem on your property, contact Big Blue Bug Solutions. We have the experience and expertise to remove bees from your property safely.

We firmly believe in the safe relocation of bees whenever possible. We'll work with you to determine the best course of action for your unique situation. Trust us for all your bee removal needs.
