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Why Are The Rats In South Portland So Hard To Get Out Of Your Home?


Big rats in South Portland are more common than you might think. From the most crowded cities to the smallest towns, these rodents can be found nearly anywhere. There are many different types of rats in the world, and while you can arm your home against them, they can still find their way inside. When they do show up in your South Portland home, it can become a very dangerous situation.

This is why pest control In South Portland can be key in keeping your home and family safe. You might be doing something that is attracting these rodents without knowing it. Keep reading to find out more on how you can better combat your home against lots of rats, no matter what kind they are. Big Blue Bug Solutions can help you take back your home today.

How Big Can The Rats In South Portland Get?

You should be aware of just how big rats can get. There are different types of rats all around the world, but in South Portland, you’ll most likely deal with Norway rats and roof rats. Of the two, Norway rats are pretty big rats, growing to be over 16 inches in some cases.

You’ll find that a group of rats invading your home, all more than a foot long, can be highly intimidating. Rats can chew on the wood in your house and tear apart wires. That alone can make them a fire hazard you should be aware of. Aside from chewing and biting, rats can be a lot more dangerous than they appear to be.

How Dangerous Is It To Have Rats On My South Portland Property?

Since medieval times, rats have proven that they can have a devastating impact on the world. The Black Death took out one-third of Europe and it wasn’t from mere biting. Rats can carry a whole slew of diseases and they make the perfect distributors by weaseling their way in and out of homes. Here are just a few of the different diseases that rats can carry:

  • Plague
  • Salmonellosis
  • Hemorrhagic fever
  • Rat-bite fever

No matter the types of rats you encounter, they can all be infected and have the potential to kill.

Once a group of rats shows up, it can be a lot harder than you think to get them out and keep them out. You might think that setting a few traps will get the job done, but that can cause problems in itself. Once rats have moved into your home where they have easy access to food, water, and shelter, they have no reason to leave, so prevention is key. Here are some ways you can keep rats from getting in before lots of rats infest your home:

  • Keep your trash stored away from your home.
  • Be sure to seal any cracks you find around your foundation or roof.
  • Keep your food stored in sealed containers and clean up after yourself.
  • Get rid of any outside water locations such as mud holes or birdbaths.
  • Buy a dehumidifier for your attic or basement to keep the environment unappealing to rats.

You could also go to a mild extreme and buy a cat, but that too can be dangerous in a few ways. In actuality, when any type of rat shows up, there is only one surefire way to get rid of them. Keep reading to find out the best way to get rid of rats fast.

The Secret To Total Rat Control For South Portland Properties

The secret for total rat control isn’t a secret, because when it comes down to it, calling a professional is the way to go. Our team at Big Blue Bug Solutions has provided more than 80 years of effective pest control for our clients. You can depend on the pest-free guarantee that we deliver with every job.

So give us a call at Big Blue Bug Solutions when you want the best way to get rid of rats fast. No matter if you need residential or commercial pest control services, we are the team for you.  For the most comprehensive services, contact us at Big Blue Bug Solutions today.